Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



April 29 2024 to May 5 2024

Monday April 29

Bathe in Nature

'Shinrin-Yoku' is the Japanese term for a 'forest bath'. It's the practice of immersing in nature as a way of cleansing oneself and reconnecting to a simpler lifestyle. The concept, which emerged as an antidote to tech-burnout, has many benefits. As Venus comes home to earthy Taurus, it's time to fall in love with the earth again and ground ourselves in the physical, natural environment. No matter how many ideas are competing for our attention, what's real, is what we can touch.

Tuesday April 30

Ready, Set, Go!

Yesterday, we talked about ideas competing for our attention and the need to relax and focus on the tangible. This was partly inspired by Venus entering earthy Taurus (where it focuses on the tangible), with a nod to the recent Mars/Neptune link (which excited our imaginations). Today is about making progress. We can still afford time for self-care and connection. But as the red planet comes home to Aries, daydreaming can be replaced by the incentive to set things in motion. Ready?

Wednesday May 1

Dawn Chorus

Yesterday, we talked about setting things in motion. Previously, I'd mentioned the benefits of 'forest-bathing' - taking time in nature away from the hustle and bustle. How can these concepts work together? Forests show us how! International Dawn Chorus Day on the 5th of this month , celebrates the sound of birds greeting the Sun to mark the moment their day begins. As Venus (love) aligns with Saturn (discipline) and Pluto (mystery), we can appreciate what matters in our world, and work to have more of it.

Thursday May 2

Tree Talk

Today, in 2018, researchers revealed that plants 'talk' to each other through their root systems. With Pluto turning retrograde, taking a closer look at the more subtle aspects of our lives could lead to similarly world-altering discoveries. The planet of transformation encourages us to think about how we're using our power. And as it moves to link with Mars, we have more agency than we think. By looking below the surface, we can transform our view of ourselves, and our relationships.

Friday May 3

Press Freedom Day

When the date of 'World Press Freedom Day' was chosen, did the decision-makers realise that today is also the anniversary of the first spam email?! These days, it's hard to discern fake news from genuine articles. And this weekend, as the Sun links to imaginative Neptune, it will be easy to get pulled in by clickbait headlines and tales too good to be true. But any confusion won't be permanent; the Mars/Pluto link equips us to dig deeper, research our arguments, and be the authors of our own stories.

Saturday May 4

Your Weekly Horoscope

As Jupiter and Uranus separate, other planetary influences become more apparent. Now it's Saturn's turn in the spotlight; its relationship with Pluto faces its first test since their 2020 convergence. But I don't expect this meeting to kickstart similar sorts of problems. This week's New Moon brings the resources to successfully adapt to any challenges. The wisdom gained through past experience helps us to transform any difficulties in ways that inspire us to create a happier and healthier future.

Sunday May 5

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

As Jupiter and Uranus separate, other planetary influences become more apparent. Now it's Saturn's turn in the spotlight; its relationship with Pluto faces its first test since their 2020 convergence. But I don't expect this meeting to kickstart similar sorts of problems. This week's New Moon brings the resources to successfully adapt to any challenges. The wisdom gained through past experience helps us to transform any difficulties in ways that inspire us to create a happier and healthier future.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts