Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

2007 Year Ahead
Final update
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Want to know what 2007 has in store? As always, the answer is in the heavens. This year In fact, it was a rare and wonderful comet, the most dramatic to grace our skies since 1997. That last astronomical apparition was given the unlikely name of 'Hale Bopp'. It hung in the heavens night after night, eerily portending the death of Princess Diana. The latest heavenly herald is called Comet McNaught*, after the Australian who first spotted it last August. It, too, may prove inauspicious for the Royal Family. Comets usually bode badly for powerful people who are trying to prevent change. World leaders, major religious figures and 'icons of the Establishment' can all expect to have their worlds dramatically altered soon.

But for the rest of us, comets often bring blessings. They imply unity and union. They suggest a breaking down of barriers; a healing of old wounds and a time of exciting innovation. The theme of profound change is echoed elsewhere in the current cosmic climate. Pluto, for example, will pass across the Galactic Centre this year. This is a heavenly hotspot in the distant Milky Way which is regarded as the pivotal point of our solar system because it's the point around which the Sun orbits. Slowly, over thousands of years, the Sun circles a mysterious source of gravitational energy and deafening radio waves. This is what scientists call the Galactic Core... or the Galactic Centre. It is a place in deep space that may, according to some theories, be a portal through which visitors from distant worlds can pass into our sector of the universe... or an energy source that somehow holds the key to the speeding up or slowing down of time itself. Nobody knows quite what the Galactic Centre is but when its position is transposed into the zodiac, it lies near the end of the sign Sagittarius.

Planets, as they pass across this sector of the sky, are considered to have an extra intense effect on our lives. To astrologers, it is a sensitive spot and, in 2007, it is going to be being 'scratched' all year long. This year, as if to thumb its nose at the scientists who have recently had the temerity to demote it, Pluto sits right on the Galactic Centre all year long and proceeds to show us all exactly how strong it is, how it influences our lives ... and how much unfinished business it has with every human being on the face of the earth. Pluto is the planet of secrets, of terrifying truths and the even more terrible lies that are often told to keep those realities hidden.

In mid-January Mars aligned with Pluto on this heavenly hotspot, and at the end of 2007 the great cosmic amplifier, Jupiter, will do the same. Mercury, Venus, the Moon and the Sun will also, at various points in the coming 12 months, align exactly with Pluto. All this symbolises a time of tremendous transformation. It implies the dawn of a new era of honesty - and yet strangely too, of mystery. A prosperous time when the world becomes rich, not just materially but spiritually. A time when pomp, pretence and precedent are no longer honoured - but when those who question convention are protected - and when those who challenge mediocrity are successful.

Scientifically, it is a time when new discoveries can be expected to arrive thick and fast. We'll come closer to realising the so-called fantasy technologies of matter transportation and time travel. We'll start to unlock the secrets of telepathy and levitation. And, as we learn more about what the world around us is made of, we'll also find out more about what we, as individuals are made of. Our rockets and spaceships are now starting to probe the heavens as never before. Stunning pictures from the Hubble telescope are telling us more about what we can expect to find in outer space - meanwhile, on earth millions of individuals are exploring their own inner space, overcoming mental blocks, beating emotional hang-ups, releasing hidden talents and liberating frustrated potential in the process. Welcome to 2007; the year life gets a lot deeper and more challenging - yet also more rewarding than ever before.

*Comet McNaught: If you are in the northern hemisphere (Europe, North America North Africa, Asia and Northern India) it is still visible, just, this weekend (January 13/14/15), fairly low in the southern sky in daylight around12:40pm (higher in the sky the further south you are). By January 20, the comet is not visible from anywhere in the northern hemisphere. If you are in the southern hemisphere (Australia, New Zealand, South America, South Africa), the comet becomes visible from January 20, very low in the western sky around evening twilight (18.00 � 19.30, local times, later, the further south you are). By January 27, it should still be visible from Australia and New Zealand around 20,00 loca times, very near the horizon in the southern sky. Expect to see a strange streak of bright light. It looks like a spaceship standing still in the sky.

If you think 2007 is due to be 'just another year', think again. It begins with the brightest comet for decades. It ends with a historic alignment of Pluto and Jupiter on the point in the zodiac that coincides with the 'Galactic Centre'. This is the area of deep space around which our entire solar system slowly revolves. Plus, all year, Jupiter will be in Sagittarius. In India, this once in a decade event is judged to be so powerful that when it occurs, millions flock to the banks of the Ganges for a rare festival called the Kumbh Mela. All these events carry similar messages. The world is changing, rapidly. We need to wake up and wise up. If we do... we can yet make miracles happen. To learn how you can invite success into your life this year, read on....

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What the Comet of Destiny Means to You













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