5 Star
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Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

The Blood Moon...

The Blood Moon...
As I write, we're hours away from a Lunar Eclipse. Some people are calling it a 'Blood Moon' because the Full Moon is about to turn crimson, just as it does during every lunar eclipse. That though, is no reason to expect pointless global bloodshed or needless loss of life. Or, at least, no more than the usual amount.

There's always some of this, somewhere. The world can be a shockingly cruel place. But it can also be wonderful. Eclipses, in themselves, don't tip the balance either way. They're not awful omens of imminent doom. They do not invariably imply the collapse of empires, economies... or alliances. Nor, even if they happen to occur at astrological degrees that resonate with sensitive spots in our full personal horoscopes... should they be seen as suggestions of anything worse than a passing temper tantrum.

What they definitely do portend is a moment of apparent impossibility.

No matter when or where we were born, we can all anticipate a head-scratching, mind-blowing, thought-provoking experience soon.

It may come during the Eclipse itself. It may be that you've already experienced it during the past few days and are now on the road to recovery. Or the Eclipse may simply be a promise of such a moment, for you, within the next couple of weeks.

For more detail about the likely timing and the area of your life in which this will probably manifest, see the regular daily forecast for your sign. But rest assured of one thing. The only connection between a Blood Moon and real, actual blood is blood pressure. Expect yours to go up, briefly, soon... then for it to come back down again as tensions turn to revelations and constructive, inspiring ones at that!

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