Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



August 10 2009 to August 16 2009

Monday August 10
You'll be a Man My Sun...

As I was saying on Friday, Jupiter has developed a scar, Venus has come out in a spot, and Mars, we are now told, is having a bad attack of gas. I jokingly wondered whether the planets were trying to tell us something. Then, over the weekend, I met a man who feels sure that they are. According to Greg Sams, the Sun is much more than just a giant ball of fire. He argues that its behaviour demonstrates many of the qualities we would normally associate with conscious, intelligent beings. I am beginning to suspect that he is right.

Tuesday August 11
Sunny Disposition

The dictionary says that 'conscious' means, 'having an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence'. It goes on to say that behaviour is 'conscious' when it is 'intentionally conceived or done; deliberate.' By this definition, people are conscious, as are dogs, cats and cows. Traditionally, though, we think of ourselves as 'more conscious'. Yet over the weekend I met Gregory Sams; an author who argues that the Sun is at least as intelligent as we are, if not considerably more so. Tomorrow, I'll explain more about why he thinks this... and what it could mean if he's right.

'Sun of gOd: Discover the Self-Organizing Consciousness That Underlies Everything' by Gregory Sams can be purchased online here: UK, US, Australia

Wednesday August 12
Is there life in Mars?

Am I a 'conscious being'? Are you? We'd both like to say yes, but we'd have to concede that not everything we do is intentional or aware. We can, though, recognise ourselves in a mirror. This, some say, is 'the best test'. But is it? It rules out dogs, babies and blind people. The fact is, we are not very conscious of consciousness. We just arrogantly assume that we're the only beings who have any! My friend Greg Sams, though, argues that any search for 'intelligent life' in space should begin with a deeper understanding of what intelligence actually is.

If you'd like to get hold of Greg's book, click here; UK, US, Australia

Thursday August 13
It's Life Jim, But Not As We Know it

While majestic meteor showers brighten our nights, it's tempting to wonder what else is out there? Scientists search for life in space, but it may not look like anything we expect. It could take the shape of an entire planet or star! There are some who say the Earth is one big living creature. Its inhabitants imagine themselves to be individual and separate, but we are really like leaves on one tree. How might things change if we all agreed with that? And what if we were looking at Earth's most intelligent neighbour each time we watched a sunset?

If you'd like to get hold of Greg's book, click here; UK, US, Australia

Friday August 14
Here Comes the Sun King

As children, we are taught not to look into the Sun. Somehow, though, we don't just avert our eyes, we divert our thoughts. If we think about the Sun at all, we see it as a fireball that our silly old ancestors once worshipped. Yet, as Greg Sams says in his gripping new book, if we really consider all that the Sun does for life on Earth, plus the influence it exerts on all the planets that travel around it, 'does it not seem that we are witnessing the image of a mind infinitely more powerful than our own?'

If you'd like to get hold of Greg's book, click here; UK, US, Australia

Saturday August 15
Your Week Ahead

This week brings us, once more, into the Dark of The Moon. It takes us through three days, from Wednesday to Friday, during which no moon can be seen in the sky and, thus, if you're out in the unlit countryside at least, you can see distant stars more clearly. And, according to tradition, at such times, it's not just the sky that reveals its deeper secrets. People are more meditative, more honest and more willing to welcome magic into their lives. And those with psychic gifts become more prone to colourful visions and accurate insights. Might you have a special sixth sense? Try listening to your inner voice this week and see what it tells you!

At noon on Saturday, August 22nd, I'll be talking at the Pontardawe festival, near Swansea and at 4pm on Sunday, August 23rd, I'll be talking at the Off Grid festival, near Glastonbury.

Sunday August 16
Celebrity Sunday

Are Geminis compatible with Capricorns? It depends who you ask. Geminis will give you one reason why they are... and another, why they aren't! Capricorns will probably just wonder whether anyone is really compatible with anyone else?

Sadie Frost is a Gemini. Jude Law is a Capricorn. Sadie has made the news recently because she's been looking good in a Bikini at the age of 44. Read the rest of this article...

At noon on Saturday, August 22nd, I'll be talking at the Pontardawe festival, near Swansea and at 4pm on Sunday, August 23rd, I'll be talking at the Off Grid festival, near Glastonbury.

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