Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



September 14 2009 to September 20 2009

Monday September 14
Saturn and Uranus

Saturn and Uranus now align exactly 180 degrees apart in the zodiac... again. Though such events coincide with 'history in the making', there's usually a time-lag. Barack Obama's election on the day of the November opposition was unusual. The February reprise coincided with fires that swept Australia while fresh financial fears raced round the world. There's no reason to assume this next alignment will bring bad news. But these two planets clearly have a message for everyone. 'If we want positive change, we can't just keep on accepting, without question, that the people in power have got everything covered.'

On Sunday, September 20, at 4pm, I'll be speaking at 'Out Of The Ordinary', in Sussex. Greg Sams will be talking at 4pm on the Saturday.

Tuesday September 15

Dear Jonathan,
When political parties have opposing views, one may support a new idea while another rejects it. But sometimes, a way can be found for both parties to support it, albeit for different reasons. Do astrological oppositions work like that? Is there anything that Saturn and Uranus can now agree on? Erik

Dear Erik,
Saturn stands for all that's structured, established, traditional and restricted. Uranus governs spontaneity, innovation, invention and liberty. If there's one cause they have in common, it's the need for people, all over the world, to consider what kind of future they want to create.

On Sunday, September 20, at 4pm, I'll be speaking at 'Out Of The Ordinary', in Sussex. Greg Sams will be talking at 4pm on the Saturday.

Wednesday September 16
Lessons in life

Jonathan, I am trying to be a patient Virgo. I know Saturn will soon be leaving my sign, and Mercury is retracing its steps for the next couple of weeks. But when will this Saturn-Uranus opposition be over? I'm exhausted from all these life-lessons! Patty

Dear Patty, Yesterday's opposition won't repeat till next April when Saturn (having left Virgo at the end of October) slips briefly back into your sign just in time to form another opposition. You're due for a break, followed by one more 'life-lesson'. None of this, though, is a cause for concern.

On Sunday, September 20, at 4pm, I'll be speaking at 'Out Of The Ordinary', in Sussex. Greg Sams will be talking at 4pm on the Saturday.

Thursday September 17
The Lost Symbol

Upon hearing that Dan Brown's new novel contains references to astrology, I am now reading The Lost Symbol. Six chapters in, I'm beginning to think it may have been better titled 'The Lost Sense Of Humour'. It takes itself very seriously. Brown may not be the world's greatest storyteller but the mystic history of America is one of the world's greatest stories. So I shall persevere. Meanwhile, the Moon has just entered the same sign as the Sun. That means we are in the 'dark of the moon', an auspicious time for psychics, witches, clairvoyants and er... freemasons!

On Sunday, September 20, at 4pm, I'll be speaking at 'Out Of The Ordinary', in Sussex. Greg Sams will be talking at 4pm on the Saturday.

Friday September 18
Lucky Seven?

Hi Jonathan,
You recently suggested that the seven days of the week coincide with each 'quarter' of the Moon. I once read that rainbows were believed to be pathways through which the gods could reach Earth. There are seven colours in every rainbow and seven notes in the musical scale. Perhaps there are many reasons why seven is a magical number and the cycle of the Moon is just one of these. Hazel

Dear Hazel,
Indeed. And when we add the Sun and Moon to the five visible planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - we also get seven!

On Sunday, September 20, at 4pm, I'll be speaking at 'Out Of The Ordinary', in Sussex. Greg Sams will be talking at 4pm on the Saturday.

Saturday September 19
Your Week Ahead

This is a big week. We are still very much under the influence of Saturn's opposition to Uranus. The New Moon is only just starting to work its magic. Mars and Jupiter are 150 degrees apart. One thing that none of us should expect is 'business as normal'. We're all ready for change of some kind. We've all had enough of pretending that something is fine when it's far from okay. Some of us are silently thinking and planning. Others are taking action. Those with kind hearts and clear vision will find that whatever they start, they succeed with.

Sunday September 20
Celebrity Sunday

Vera Lynn, Download queen! Who says nostalgia isn't what it used to be? Eddie Izzard, Marathon Man? But is he running FOR something or FROM something? Kanye West, rude dude! Or was he just too off his face to know what was coming out of his mouth? Vera's a Piscean. Eddie's an Aquarian. Kanye's a Gemini. And in all cases, the cosmic climate reflects their recent stories. Pisceans are going where they never dare let their dreams take them. Aquarians are breaking past barriers and Geminis are... well, Mercury's retrograde. So they're having to go back to unsay a few things. It's beginning to seem as though, if it's happening in the stars... you see it first in the behaviour of stars!

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