Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



October 26 2009 to November 1 2009

Monday October 26
Spirit in the Sky

We're heading for Hallowe'en. And the Moon is slowly growing full. Once upon a time, long before the Christian festival of 'All Hallow's day' European pagans celebrated a much older tradition called 'Samhain'. It was a time when people celebrated the memories of their ancestors - and when some even invited the spirits of the past generations to return and give guidance. It's from this, really, that we get the idea of ghosts. Interestingly, this week, Venus and Jupiter suggest that anyone who feels haunted, at least by a bad memory or a big fear, can expect to feel much more free.

Tuesday October 27
... Until Saturn Returns

I'm very excited. On Thursday, at 5.09pm GMT to be precise to the nearest minute, Saturn leaves Virgo. I should be precise, because we're talking about the planet of precision in the sign of detail. Indeed, whilst being meticulous I should add that this is the division of the tropical ecliptic called Virgo, not the constellation of that name. I have explained this distinction recently and will, no doubt, revisit it. But hopefully not 'til Saturn briefly returns to Virgo in 2010. Until then, the world can paint with a broader brush, and Virgos can carry less on their shoulders.

Wednesday October 28
Saturn moves into Libra

On and off between (roughly) June 1949 and August 1951, Saturn was in Virgo, as it was from late July 1978 to mid September 1980. It re-entered Virgo on September 2nd, 2007 but tomorrow, it moves into Libra. That's good news, and not just for Virgos. Saturn makes people crave more stable social structures. We've all seen the need for this lately. Now we can expect improvements. Even though Saturn returns to Virgo for a few months next year, the most trying times for this sign are over. And for Librans, Saturn now symbolises a rise to power!

Thursday October 29
Born to be Styled

What were you born to be? Research has revealed that, if you're born under Sagittarius, you've got an exceptionally high chance of becoming a child star. Taureans, by comparison, are most unlikely to find early fame. That's much as an astrologer would expect but if you're a regular horoscope reader, you may find these results surprising. "What about Leo?" you may ask. "Isn't this supposed to be the sign that's hungriest for applause and attention?" Ah, but Leos are such natural little stars, they hardly need a stage to shine on. We are all born blessed with talents and inclinations that can shape our personalities in later life. Click here to find out what gifts the heavens bestowed upon you at birth... and why, no matter what sign - or how old - you are, it's never too late to fulfil your potential.

Friday October 30
Out of the Woods

So here we are, in a brand new world. Saturn has moved into a new sector of the sky and, from today, different rules start to apply. If you're stuck in an oppressive situation or you're trying to arrive at a fair compromise, you're now more likely to see a chance where, before, all you saw was an obstacle. Virgos, all across the world, are finding fluidity to their lives that was lacking before. Librans are becoming far more purposeful. And appropriately for Hallowe'en, millions are now feeling able to escape from memories that have been haunting them.

Saturday October 31
Your Month Ahead

The big news, this month, is that Saturn is moving to a new sign. This happens once every two to three years and it always brings a change of mood. We all feel it. We all sense, somehow, that old problems no longer matter quite so much, if only because we're now starting to see new ones! That's a cynical view, though. These big heavenly events are like marker points on the cosmic clock. And, just as surely as 5pm means something very different to 4pm for almost all of us, life really does move on, in a positive way. Watch what happens in November. You'll see!

Sunday November 1
Your Week Ahead Forecasts

The big news, this month, is that Saturn is moving to a new sign. This happens once every two to three years and it always brings a change of mood. We all feel it. We all sense, somehow, that old problems no longer matter quite so much, if only because we're now starting to see new ones! That's a cynical view, though. These big heavenly events are like marker points on the cosmic clock. And, just as surely as 5pm means something very different to 4pm for almost all of us, life really does move on, in a positive way. Watch what happens in November. You'll see!

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