Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



November 16 2009 to November 22 2009

Monday November 16
Jupiter meets Uranus

While I was away last week, I did a lot of reading. I've found a fascinating book by Anne Whitaker, called 'Jupiter Meets Uranus'. Although it's published by the American Federation of Astrologers, Anne is actually a Scottish author who has made a special study of this powerful event that happens once every 14 years or so. It last took place in 1997 so we're due for one next year. She thinks that, based on trends observed to date, it will bring much social change, scientific innovation and renewed optimism. I'm inclined to agree.

Tuesday November 17
Catch a Shooting Star...

Hi there Jonathan,
I've just found out that there will be a meteor shower tonight. And tomorrow is my birthday. Is it an omen of some kind? Do events like this have significance, or should I see it as a random, if pretty, coincidence? Thanks! Rebecca

Dear Rebecca,
It's not random. There are always 'Leonid meteor showers' on this date - though, sometimes they're dramatic and sometimes underwhelming. Traditionally, they're not 'astrologically important' but if you happen to see even one shooting star, you should consider yourself entitled to make a wish... especially if it happens to be your birthday!

Wednesday November 18
Far East is Far Out

Although I have been back preparing your horoscopes since last Friday, I'm still 'away from my desk'. I've been writing, this week, from Tokyo. It's hard not to like Japan. The people are lovely and, though fish is very popular, they cater well for vegetarians. They also, it turns out, respect 'western astrology' as much as they appreciate 'western' music. I've been asked many questions about what next year has in store. Thankfully, I've had the answers close to hand because I've now completed the first set of video forecasts for 2010. They're nearly ready for you to watch. It's going to be a 'big' year.

Thursday November 19
2012 and all that

Dear Jonathan,
What do you think will happen in 2012? Christine

Dear Christine,
I think the Earth will remain on its current axis and no new planet will appear. I think the Sun won't explode, the Antichrist won't manifest, the world won't end, time won't stand still, global disaster won't strike, judgement day won't come and millions worldwide won't start to levitate and suddenly reach a state of transcedent spiritual enlightenment. On the other hand, 2010 is looking pretty exciting!

Friday November 20
Blind Date

Some people, it seems, are almost enjoying all that anxious anticipation about the end of the Mayan calendar. They don't want to be told that it's going to be OK. They just want to know in which particular way we are going to meet our doom. Now even the publishers of Nostradamus are joining the fun. We were previously assured that this prophet foresaw the end of the world just before the millennium. He had, therefore, left us no predictions for any later date. But these experts can now 'clearly see' that when he said 1999, he meant 2012!

Saturday November 21
Your Week Ahead

Look out, on Monday, for a lovely sight in the early evening. The Moon comes close to Jupiter and, though you can't see it without a telescope, Neptune is also near Jupiter now. If you've got clear skies, borrow binoculars and tie them to a tripod. Even if you can't pick out Neptune, you may see a Jupiter moon or two. Remember, you're looking for tiny points of light. Watching the sky isn't quite like watching a movie. Once you get into it, though, it's much more rewarding. Later in the evening, you may catch a faint but delightful Mars. All this is just as auspicious as it is decorative!

Sunday November 22
Your Week Ahead Part Two

Look out, on Monday, for a lovely sight in the early evening. The Moon comes close to Jupiter and, though you can't see it without a telescope, Neptune is also near Jupiter now. If you've got clear skies, borrow binoculars and tie them to a tripod. Even if you can't pick out Neptune, you may see a Jupiter moon or two. Remember, you're looking for tiny points of light. Watching the sky isn't quite like watching a movie. Once you get into it, though, it's much more rewarding. Later in the evening, you may catch a faint but delightful Mars. All this is just as auspicious as it is decorative!

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