Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



July 11 2011 to July 17 2011

Monday July 11
To Be Or Not To Be

If someone is 'meant to be' for you, does it mean that, no matter what you do or don't do, the universe will somehow bring you back together, even if you've parted, or should we intervene and make it happen? Heidi

What if two people were meant to be for each other, just for the time that they actually were together? What if imagining something is 'meant to be' stops you recognising something that's truly 'meant to be'? What if all we are ever 'meant to be' is happy in ourselves, regardless of who we are with?

Tuesday July 12
Name that Neptune

Happy birthday Neptune, first seen on 24 September 1846. Today, 164.79 years later it has returned, for the first time, to the same position in the sky. Heavenly bodies and zodiac signs make a kind of 'cosmic alphabet'. A new planet is like a new letter, necessary to symbolise a sound it has never been possible to make before. Neptune's discovery coincided with the earliest cameras and recording devices. We've come a long way from the box camera to the 3D movie and the phonograph to the MP3. Neptune's next 164.79 years will take us a whole lot further.

Wednesday July 13
Head and Heart

Hi Jonathan,
In some of your predictions you give the advice 'follow your heart'. But sometimes, we must balance 'heart-speak' (led by emotions) with 'head-speak', (which is intellect-based). The head alone can lead us astray, as can the heart alone. I think it is in the balance between head and heart that the right decision can be found. Aren't you misleading those who won't seek to find that balance? N

Dear N,
I only ever say this to someone I fear is getting lost in their head... or is too afraid to listen to their heart.

Thursday July 14
Divine Right

Hello Jonathan,
Your reader's letter about assisted suicide said the 'Supreme Consciousness in each soul... chooses the moment to leave its incarnation'. Doesn't that mean that, whatever you do to hasten or delay the end of your life, you are doing so through the intent of the divine? Either the Supreme Consciousness is in charge, or... what? Lynn

Dear Lynn,
I wondered that too. I think the philosophy here, is that if you make a decision, it might be you or it might be the divine, guiding you... whereas if you're just passive it can only be the divine.

Friday July 15
Sobering Thoughts

Tonight's Full Moon will still have a powerful presence tomorrow. I'm always wary of weekend Full Moons. Friday and Saturday nights are when many people tend to go drinking. Alcohol tends to become a much more powerful intoxicant when the Moon is Full. It's rather like when people drink on an aeroplane and the pressure somehow makes it go more quickly to their heads. If you are indulging tonight, remember that a little goes a long way. And if you're out on the roads, watch for people who may be under the legal limit but are still hardly sober.

Saturday July 16
Your Weekly Forecast

We begin this week with a powerful Full Moon. Though it wanes a little each evening, that sense of Full Moon madness will prevail for a few days to come. We can thus expect drama, excitement, passion, intoxication and revelation. Full Moon madness isn't really mad - it's just exuberant, expressive and exciting. Or, at least, it is as long as you're not trying to hide anything from anyone, least of all yourself. If, though, something is being repressed or suppressed, it may soon prove ever harder to keep a lid on it!

Sunday July 17
Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

We begin this week with a powerful Full Moon. Though it wanes a little each evening, that sense of Full Moon madness will prevail for a few days to come. We can thus expect drama, excitement, passion, intoxication and revelation. Full Moon madness isn't really mad - it's just exuberant, expressive and exciting. Or, at least, it is as long as you're not trying to hide anything from anyone, least of all yourself. If, though, something is being repressed or suppressed, it may soon prove ever harder to keep a lid on it!

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