Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



September 26 2011 to October 2 2011

Monday September 26
New Season

Last week, I must have been more jet-lagged than I realised. In answering some reader's letters about inconjunct angles, I forgot to point out that there was an inconjunct happening over the weekend. It seems I also upset some fellow astrologers by announcing the Equinox before the Sun had moved into Libra. I'm not quite so inclined to apologise here. While the Equinox hinges on one particular moment, it is also a season, like Christmas.

Tuesday September 27
Drip Tip

During my recent visit to Japan, I met Dr Masaru Emoto, the man whose experiments suggest that water has memory. We talked about many things, including 'tipping points'. I asked him what he felt it took for an idea, a belief, a hope or a dream to gain 'currency' and take on a life of its own in the world. We were thinking about how the world might change if only more people put peace and forgiveness over anger and judgement. Then we started talking about a date that's coming up in November: 11.11.11. More on this soon.

Wednesday September 28
Quick Thinking

Regular readers will recall I've never been happy about the Large Hadron Collider. Scientists, when asked if this experiment in Switzerland could produce a black hole, would only say, 'We don't think so.' I never felt this was reassuring. They'd have been far more emphatic if you were to ask if anything travels faster than the speed of light. Now they've found a particle that appears to. So, what invisible dimension could this mysterious neutrino be moving through? The experts aren't sure. But surely, there's only one thing faster than the speed of light. The speed of thought!

Thursday September 29

I was in Sussex, England, last weekend, for Out Of The Ordinary, a festival where a few thousand people meet to discuss weird and wonderful ideas. I met a couple called Leticia and Quinto who offer a form of healing called Pyramidal Memories Transmutation. It is, they say, a 'psychic DNA upgrade'. They told me the story of how they developed this. It was full of amazing coincidences. They were both sincere and their clients looked happy. I'm tempted to try it. We might all need something like this to help us get used to particles travelling faster than light.

Friday September 30

In just over a month, we're going to arrive at 11.11.11. The Moon will have just turned full then. But what makes the moment exciting is not so much the astrology as the numerology. It is hard not to read some kind of significance into all those number ones. Many people are particularly looking forward to the moment when it becomes 11:11 on 11.11.11. What should we expect? I've been asking various mystically-minded people for their 'take'. The suggestion I have heard most, and that I like best, is that it represents a chance to 'reboot' your life!

Saturday October 1
Your October Monthly Forecast

October's mid-month Full Moon may look just a little smaller than usual. The Moon does not remain at one fixed distance from the Earth. There are times when it gets quite a lot closer or further away. Soon, it will be as distant as it ever gets. And as we edge towards the end of the month, Jupiter will be opposite the Sun... rising up around dusk and shining bright all night. Look out, around October 20 and 21 for meteors, more popularly known as shooting stars. If you see one, remember to make a wish.

Sunday October 2
Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

October's mid-month Full Moon may look just a little smaller than usual. The Moon does not remain at one fixed distance from the Earth. There are times when it gets quite a lot closer or further away. Soon, it will be as distant as it ever gets. And as we edge towards the end of the month, Jupiter will be opposite the Sun... rising up around dusk and shining bright all night. Look out, around October 20 and 21 for meteors, more popularly known as shooting stars. If you see one, remember to make a wish.

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