Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



February 21 2011 to February 27 2011

Monday February 21
Electric Tricks

Dear Jonathan...
There are periods of time when anything made of glass that I touch will randomly break - no surges of anger or happiness required. Theo

You have said a lot about how humans may be able to interfere with electricity. What about the effect that electricity has on us? Ron

Whenever I'm particularly stressed, I stop my watch.. always for around the 20 minutes it obviously takes my energy field to return to normal. This happens regardless of the watch I wear. Trish

I had an MRI on Saturday evening and the machine overheated half way through! Wendy

Tuesday February 22
Hyper-Tension Convention

Hi Jonathan,
Recently you wrote that Saturn retrograde was a good thing since it means that the planet of restrictions is being restricted. In a different publication, I read that since Saturn is the ruler of the fifth house of love for Virgos, no commitments should be made when it is retrograde. So what does it mean to be a Virgo like myself born with Saturn retrograde? Is it a lifetime unable to make any love commitments? Therese

Hi Therese,
I really can't comment on statements of other astrologers. Well, I can, but it's bad for my blood pressure.

Wednesday February 23
Definitely Maybe

Dear Jonathan,
That wave of protest now sweeping the Middle East and beyond. Is this the start of the great changes that culminate on December 23, 2012? Are the meek about to inherit the earth? Will the corrupt leaders of the world that have long held the reins of power be usurped for the greater good? Are we soon to reach the critical mass that will make this possible or is it just my wishful thinking? Keith

Dear Keith,
You have asked me five questions here. The answers are 'kind of', 'not quite', 'to a point', 'yes' and 'no'.

Thursday February 24
Matter of Fact

Dear Jonathan, I often ask folk who call themselves materialists whether they believe in the proofs of science. They say they do. Then I say that science has proved dark matter occupies 80 per cent of the universe but we don't know what dark matter is. Then I ask them again what they believe in. David

Dear Jonathan, All last week my watch was losing time. Last time this happened was when the Hadron Collider was first switched on. What's happening now? Ruth

Dear Ruth, The Collider is innocent! It's only just been turned back on after a long shut down.

Friday February 25
Stress Tests

Hi John,
I have a theory that computers are affected by people's stress levels. It always seems that when you are stressed or people are waiting for you and you begin to get flustered, that's exactly when the computer starts to freeze, corrupt, and have all sorts of strange technical faults that it may not have had when you were calm. Anita

Hi there, Jonathan,
When I split from my partner a number of years ago, all the jewellery that he had either given me, or that I had bought while I was with him either broke or disappeared. Nicky

Saturday February 26
Your March Monthly Forecast

By the time we reach the equinox, on March 21, the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus will all be in Aries. By early May, the Sun will have moved into Taurus but we'll have Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus in Aries plus the Moon for a brief while too. And Saturn will be directly opposite, in Libra. We're talking here about zodiac signs, not constellations. We're also talking about a time of innovation. In March, you can expect to keep finding new reasons to forget limits and laws that once seemed unbreakable. And there's more change to come.

Sunday February 27
Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

By the time we reach the equinox, on March 21, the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus will all be in Aries. By early May, the Sun will have moved into Taurus but we'll have Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus in Aries plus the Moon for a brief while too. And Saturn will be directly opposite, in Libra. We're talking here about zodiac signs, not constellations. We're also talking about a time of innovation. In March, you can expect to keep finding new reasons to forget limits and laws that once seemed unbreakable. And there's more change to come.

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