Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts


Sign of the Ram

The Ram The Ram is a very energetic creature and so of course are you. You share a similarly excitable, impulsive personality. You are never short of energy, enthusiasm or ebullience for long but, like the creature that symbolises your sign, you must learn to control and curb an impulsive impulse to fight pointless battles.

What makes an Aries tick?
Arians have little time for introversion or social niceties. They take each day as it comes and work hard to make the very most of it. They can be fiery, because they have little affinity with detail and tend to grab a flame thrower to clear what they perceive as undergrowth. A head on approach has it's obvious drawbacks. Most Arians need to master the arts of patience and foresight. This is not easy for a person who feels that there's'no time like the present' (and even that may be a bit too late!) Never down for long, rarely without hope, Arians are dynamic, alert and, when tempered by experience, wise. Their ruling planet is Mars.

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