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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

virgo Zodiac Sign

Virgo Horoscope

Fri, 19th April 2024
by Oscar Cainer

The difference between 'what if' and 'if only' is massive. When we ask 'what if' we're constructing a positive line of enquiry. If we keep asking it, we can build a plan that leads to success. 'If only', on the other hand, is an expression based on regret. It implies that we're unhappy about elements of the situation we're dealing with. If you don't want to regret not taking advantage of this weekend's opportunities, focus on the 'what ifs'. A positive mindset will enable you to profit from the surprising gifts Jupiter and Uranus bring. Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Your Virgo forecast for 2024 and Virgo Video for 2024 from Jemima.








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Virgo - Your Weekly Horoscope: Picture a lake shimmering in the sunshine. When darkness falls its appearance transforms. In a similar way, if a shadow falls over our world, life loses its glow. We start criticising situations we've been happy with. We focus on the negatives, and wonder how we got ourselves into complex scenarios. We turn minor flaws into big problems. And we can't see how to make them right. This week brings opportunities to make positive change. First though, you need to fix the issue that's bothering you. And you can easily do that.

Virgo - Your April Monthly Horoscope: There's a big difference between checking somewhere out on Google maps and travelling to the area and looking around. It's a bit like planning a dinner party and actually having people round for a meal; no matter how well-prepared you are, there are going to be surprises and challenges to deal with. Some things will go better than you expect. And some things will do the opposite. As April starts with your ruler turning retrograde, you might need to rethink some of your ideas. But that's OK. You'll end up stronger and happier.

Virgo - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your desire to instigate positive change is impressive. But your sense of timing is dubious. By all means strive to transform an aspect of your lifestyle. There's no question you should (or need) to settle for second-best. But does everything need to improve today? Can't some of it wait until tomorrow? Mars, powering through your opposite sign, is making you feel edgy and defensive. You're focusing on what's wrong with your world (rather than what's right). Take a deep breath. And relax. There's far less to worry about than you think. There are powerful changes in store for you soon. What are they? How can you best prepare for them? Find out in a full horoscope birth-chart. It's full of amazing predictions about you and your future. Get yours now.

Virgo - Wed Apr 17, 2024:
You don't need a megaphone or an Insta account to get your message across today. You're a natural communicator. And you know the advantages of 'the subtle approach'. The challenge is that the message you need to convey might not be welcome. You don't want to antagonise a situation. Or lose the moment. So be quietly confident and trust. As long as you speak from the heart, and listen to the response, you can download your feelings in such a sensitive way that the recipient feels able to take them on board. Yay!

Virgo - Tue Apr 16, 2024:
Should you turn left? Or right? Is it time for an adventure? Or should you focus on the tasks you've got to complete? Are you sure of anything? Or are you just dealing with issues that are definitely (probably) worth thinking about? It's not only that your retrograde ruler's making you indecisive. There are communication problems to deal with. Someone's making categorical, contradictory statements. How are you supposed to know how to respond? If you don't know what to do, don't do anything... yet. Insight is on its way. Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!

Virgo - Mon Apr 15, 2024:
If you're hungry it's hard to think about anything apart from what you're going to eat. If you've got a headache you need a painkiller before you can focus. But you don't need to eat when you've eaten. Or take an aspirin when you're not in pain. Our priorities change depending on our circumstances. And they can change quickly. Sometimes, we forget that we've solved a problem, and carry on seeking a way to resolve it. Check you're not pursuing a historic need today. An exciting possibility is worth really focusing on.

Virgo - Sun Apr 14, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Problems are a permanent feature of life on this spinning ball of rock; there won't ever be a day when we don't have one to deal with. Since that is the nature of it, we need to change our way of dealing with them. Like with oceans, mountains and other features, we need to stand back and accept (even appreciate) them. They don't have to stop us feeling happy. This week, what looks like your biggest problem is a blessing in disguise. If you share it, you'll find support that could lead to a surprisingly positive connection. Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.

Virgo - Sat Apr 13, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Picture a lake shimmering in the sunshine. When darkness falls its appearance transforms. In a similar way, if a shadow falls over our world, life loses its glow. We start criticising situations we've been happy with. We focus on the negatives, and wonder how we got ourselves into complex scenarios. We turn minor flaws into big problems. And we can't see how to make them right. This week brings opportunities to make positive change. First though, you need to fix the issue that's bothering you. And you can easily do that.

Virgo: - Fri Apr 12, 2024:
Mars, still powering through your opposite sign, is affecting your energy levels. You're fluctuating between feeling motivated and empowered, and drained and depleted. Help! This bewildering combination makes it hard to keep your commitments; you're either too busy, or too tired. This weekend, as the Sun converges with your retrograde ruler, at least you'll be better equipped to make decisions. As long as you stay clear and confident, you'll be able to regulate your energy, and direct it in positive, more pleasurable ways. Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here!

Virgo - Thu Apr 11, 2024:
We're not always as considerate and kind-hearted as we could be. Even generous Virgos sometimes act thoughtlessly or take actions that prevent other people from making progress. It's just a natural effect of being human and having so much to deal with. It's time to stop taking any negativity in your world so seriously. You don't have to take all the responsibility for it either. Instead, look for the positives. They exist. And if you give them your attention, you'll be able to influence other people, and lift everyone's mood.

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