Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecasts

Jonathan Cainer's Feedback Forum

Welcome to the FEEDBACK FORUM,
which is designed to give our visitors a chance to reply.
We are proud that our website receives over 200 emails per day - many of these are responses or feedback to something Jonathan has written.

One reader wrote in to ask Jonathan what happens to your sunsign if you clinically die.
Are you re-born under a new sign? Here are some of YOUR replies

Here are some of your many responses to Jonathan's daughter Minnie
who commented about the effect of people participating in recent peace rallies.
Answers for Minnie

Jonathan has been giving us his views on the conflict with Iraq.
Here are some of your many responses!

It seems to me that we all live on the cusp of the past and the future.
The present hardly exists. So why are we so bothered about it?
Past - Present - Future?

We have been bowled over by your response to our appeal to suggest a name for the new planet discovered by Larry Wasserman and his team of astronomers at Arizona�s Lowell Observatory.....
Your ideas to Name the New Planet

Your thoughts, feelings and alternative ways to handle the festive season -
Christmas Festivities?

We regret due to the volume of correspondence we can not print every letter, although we welcome and read each and every one.

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