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Jemima Cainer
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

leo Zodiac Sign

Leo Horoscope

Thu, 25th April 2024
by Oscar Cainer

Humans aren't always kind to one another. Factors like fear, ignorance and greed cause us to be harsh to other people. The problem is that these attitudes are contagious. Not only do they easily spread, they intensify, and return to us with even more impact. But no matter how unpleasant people can be, the level of pain they cause is nothing in comparison to how much damage we do to ourselves. We can easily become our own worst enemy. If you can put a stop to a negative mindset today, you'll make significant progress.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is urging you to look at what you put up with and to change whatever you no longer feel able to accept. If you want to, you can. To mark this special time you can download your Personal Birth Chart now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! (OFFER ENDS SOON)

Your Leo forecast for 2024 and Leo Video for 2024 from Jemima.








Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction

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New! Pink Moon in Scorpio

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Video: The Astrology of 2024

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Leo - Your Weekly Horoscope: There might be no such thing as smoke without fire, but things aren't always what they seem. From aeroplane contrails to dry ice, there are all sorts of reasons why we might be fooled into thinking we're seeing smoke. Which means we need to be careful about jumping to conclusions and making assumptions. You suspect the proposal you're considering is a waste of time. You've been here before. Yet the resemblance is misleading. Be optimistic this week. The Pink Moon promises that it will go better than you think.

Leo - Your April Monthly Horoscope: If you're feeling less influential than normal, and concerned that you don't have the authority to deal with upcoming events, April brings reassurance. The Solar Eclipse enables you to see that the sense of loss you're experiencing is because you're awakening to the reality of a situation. You're becoming clearer. And, as the month progresses this clarity will lead to a much deeper understanding of what's going on. Your insight will ensure that you're able to make excellent decisions that bring emotional (and material) rewards. Yay!

Leo - Yesterday's Forecast:
'Give and take' is fundamental in any relationship. But no one wants to give more than they want just to hold onto something they shouldn't be in danger of losing. You feel that you've got to make a sacrifice or a compromise. Unsurprisingly, neither of these options feels good. Yet your willingness to act unselfishly is unconsciously affecting the situation you're caught up in. In the legacy of the Pink Moon, you might discover that either you don't need to take action. Or that whatever you do costs far less than you think. Phew.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is urging you to look at what you put up with and to change whatever you no longer feel able to accept. If you want to, you can. To mark this special time you can download your Personal Birth Chart now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! (OFFER ENDS SOON)

Leo - Tue Apr 23, 2024:
Picture one of the great explorers standing on the prow of their ship searching for a sign of land. Or a messenger riding across unknown territory to deliver a wax-sealed note. These moments might be thrilling in movies. But when it comes to taking on that role in our own lives it's not so simple. Few of us brim with confidence when embarking on this kind of journey. But you're a Leo. You might have to dig deep, but you can access the self-assurance to embark on the epic voyage the Pink Moon brings your way.

Leo - Mon Apr 22, 2024:
Even when you're not trying to provoke a big response, some people overreact. With only a hint of a suggestion, they can't stop themselves projecting their own feelings and agendas onto whatever you're hoping to convey. The more you try to reason with them to get your point across, the harder it gets. In such situations it's best to let time pass. Today, there's no point fighting fire with fire. If something needs to be said, just say it as clearly and simply as you can. You might be surprised (in a good way) by the reaction.

Under the influence of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus you are making a big discovery and starting to understand a process that never previously made sense to you. You will soon gain a priceless insight into someone or something. Discover more about yourself with a Personal Birth Chart - now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! (OFFER ENDS SOON)

Leo - Sun Apr 21, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: In theory, things should be running smoothly along an even keel towards a brighter future. So, why do tricky situations keep popping up? Do you need to radically rethink your plans? Actually, no. You just need to acknowledge the fact that this process is taking its own sweet time. But that's OK. The Pink Moon promises that a series of wonderful developments in your relationship world are on their way. These will cause you to feel much more relaxed about the apparent lack of progress in other areas. Enjoy. And trust.

Leo - Sat Apr 20, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: There might be no such thing as smoke without fire, but things aren't always what they seem. From aeroplane contrails to dry ice, there are all sorts of reasons why we might be fooled into thinking we're seeing smoke. Which means we need to be careful about jumping to conclusions and making assumptions. You suspect the proposal you're considering is a waste of time. You've been here before. Yet the resemblance is misleading. Be optimistic this week. The Pink Moon promises that it will go better than you think.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is urging you to look at what you put up with and to change whatever you no longer feel able to accept. If you want to, you can. To mark this special time you can download your Personal Birth Chart now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! (OFFER ENDS SOON)

Leo - Fri Apr 19, 2024:
Is the build-up to this weekend's auspicious cosmic climate responsible for your lack of sleep? Could the scent of adventure be interrupting your slumbers? Is the thought of positive change and exciting discovery pumping your adrenaline levels? The Jupiter/Uranus link holds much promise. But it comes with a word of warning. There's a chance you could push your luck too far. Or try to milk a minor opportunity for more than it can give. To maximise the potential coming your way, don't be tempted to bend the rules too far.

Leo: - Thu Apr 18, 2024:
What are you meant to do when you're trying to do something impossible? Well, since you're a mighty Leo, I'd suggest proceeding with confidence bordering on arrogance! Try setting yourself another impossible task; it will change your attitude to the first one, which you'll find a new way to approach. The truth is that we live in an impossible world. But if anyone's capable of making progress in it, it's the person reading this. Keep doing impossible things and you'll make it a better place. The cosmos is rooting for you.

Under the influence of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus you are making a big discovery and starting to understand a process that never previously made sense to you. You will soon gain a priceless insight into someone or something. Discover more about yourself with a Personal Birth Chart - now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! (OFFER ENDS SOON)

Leo - Wed Apr 17, 2024:
You need to draw on the depth of your experience today. Something you've done before needs to be repeated. And if you summon all your past learning and invest it in what's unfolding, you'll do a great job. But what about that thing you need to do? The one you've never done before? To cope, you still only need to adapt techniques you already know from previous times. And if these don't quite do the trick, use your imagination and extemporise. You can literally make it up as you go along... with outstanding results.

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