Your Zodiac Forecasts, from Jonathan Cainer
Barack Obama
first published 21st January 2009

Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 on the Hawaiian island of O'ahu at 7.24pm local time. He's a dignified Leo with the Moon in thoughtful Gemini and calm, composed Aquarius rising. He sometimes describes himself as 'restless'. And, to an astrologer, this is confirmed by a conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter forming a 150-degree 'quincunx' angle to his triple conjunction of Sun, Mercury and Uranus. With five key planets in a permanent state of unresolvable flux, he's mission driven, sincere and brave yet realistic. He has already changed the world. But his work has only just begun.

Birth Chart
Name: Barack Obama
Date: 04 August 1961
Time of Birth (Local): 19:24:00
Place: O'Ahu, Hawaii
GMT Time (Adjusted): 05 August 1961 05:24:00


Barack Obama
04 August 1961 19:24:00, O'Ahu, Hawaii, GMT: 05 August 1961 05:24:00

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