Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



December 8 2008 to December 14 2008

Monday December 8
Alice Bailey

When I was a student, people spoke highly of Alice Bailey, an esoteric astrologer who rose to fame in the 1920s. I found her completely unfathomable. After I wrote, though, on Friday, about the ‘Grand Mutable Cross’ that will be formed in the sky at the end of this week, a colleague reminded me that Bailey had written about this celestial figure. According to her, it ‘controls the stages of the lower experiences of humanity, slowly reorienting the individual to a higher vision, a wider horizontal and vertical grasp of reality’. So, er... now you know what to expect!

Order your beautiful astro calendar here

Tuesday December 9
Christmas Olympics

Christmas, my kids were saying this weekend, ought to be like the Olympics. If it happened just once every four years, we’d put more in, get more out and lose that feeling of ‘here we go again’. As I was listening, I looked again at the map of that strange, rare ‘cosmic cross’ which the Moon forms on Friday. It’s no wonder life is so intense for so many at the moment. I know there’s a lot to worry about in the world... but I still think this year’s holidays will somehow feel more enjoyable and meaningful than usual.

Wednesday December 10
Christmas Birthday

Australian astronomer, Dave Reneke says if Jupiter and Venus have looked impressive near each other lately, you should have seen them on June 17, 2BC. They were so close they would have looked like one giant star. If that was the star of Bethlehem, it would make Jesus a Gemini! Given his tendency to speak in parables and ask open-ended questions, that would make sense. But in clearing up one conundrum, another arises. If Yeshua of Natzeret (as he is known in Israel to this day) was born in June, whose birthday do we celebrate every December 25?

Thursday December 11
The Secret Sea

Have you noticed how large the Moon looks? That’s because it is closer to us than usual. At such times, it doesn’t just seem bigger and brighter, it exerts a stronger gravitational pull. The core of the Earth is molten. We may one day discover that this secret sea, deep below our feet, also has tides, governed by lunar phases. Many of my colleagues, aware of all this plus the rare ‘grand cross alignment’ that the Moon will form tomorrow, predict earthquakes or volcanic eruptions soon. And we all anticipate a great surge in the ocean of human emotion.

Friday December 12
Grand Cross on the Full Moon

The rare ‘grand cross’ culminates today with the full Moon in Gemini. As you watch it rise in the sky, look towards the setting Sun. You’ll see Venus and Jupiter, beaming in the twilight. Also near the Sun is Mars - too low to view but in a position of great significance. Half way between the rising Moon and setting Sun is Uranus, invisible without a telescope. Opposite Uranus, halving the sector of sky beneath our feet, is the planet Saturn. You can’t see it but you can easily see the impact of this ‘grand cross’. Just look at how strangely people are behaving!

Order your beautiful astro calendar here.

Saturday December 13
Your Week Ahead

This week, Mars crosses an invisible line in the sky. Imagine a cosmic tug-of-war. Saturn, planet of restriction and tradition, has hold of one end of the ‘rope’. Uranus (planet of rule-breaking and revolution) holds the other. They’ve been pulling against each other for months and are due to continue their battle till 2010. Some say it’s the reason for the Credit Crunch. The rope is currently ‘slack’ but Mars now trips over it, triggering tension and drama. But no matter how crazy your life gets... or the world starts to seem, things should get sweeter as we get closer to Christmas.

Sunday December 14
Your Week Ahead

This week, Mars crosses an invisible line in the sky. Imagine a cosmic tug-of-war. Saturn, planet of restriction and tradition, has hold of one end of the ‘rope’. Uranus (planet of rule-breaking and revolution) holds the other. They’ve been pulling against each other for months and are due to continue their battle till 2010. Some say it’s the reason for the Credit Crunch. The rope is currently ‘slack’ but Mars now trips over it, triggering tension and drama. But no matter how crazy your life gets... or the world starts to seem, things should get sweeter as we get closer to Christmas.

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