Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



July 26 2010 to August 1 2010

Monday July 26
Old Hogwarts

Dear Jonathan,
You recently said a planet only becomes relevant in astrology once we know it exists. I don't get that. We can see by a light, even if we cannot see the light source. And I don't have to see my heart or lungs for them to affect me every day. Grace

Dear Grace,
It depends if you think a planet exerts a physical force or inspires a psychological reaction. Once, nobody had heard of JK Rowling. She existed but made no impact on our lives. Only after we discovered Harry Potter did the world 'feel' her influence.

Tuesday July 27
Meteorology Theology

Dear Jonathan,
You mentioned the three wise men who used astrology to find the infant Jesus. We are told though, that when they arrived, they fell down and worshipped him. Most biblical scholars would interpret that as relinquishing their occult powers and handing everything over to the purveyor of all truth. Michael

Hi Jonathan,
I'm a Christian, studying theology. I believe God is omnipotent. I also believe astrology can be a guide to the season we are in. God can make it rain on the hottest day. That doesn't make it a sin to check the weather forecast. Simon

Wednesday July 28
Solar, So Good

Hi Jonathan,
I've just heard about the successful trial of the solar powered plane that can, in theory, fly indefinitely. Weyhey! This new Age is coming! Ali

Dear Ali, I'm optimistic too... and not just because technology is getting so green, clean and clever.

Hi Jonathan,
Australia has a chance to elect a female prime minister. Will she get in? Barb

Dear Barb, I've long predicted more women world leaders. I still do.

What happened to the Grand Cross that was supposed to change so many lives? Everything seems much the same. Hilary

Dear Hilary, Give it time.

Thursday July 29
Wood Vibrations

Earlier this week, on my way home from the Womad festival in Wiltshire, I called in on Stonehenge. In a neighbouring field, archeologists have just found evidence of a 'Woodhenge' that's surprisingly large and old. I wanted to pay an informal visit of respect. There's nothing to see there but, as I entered the field, I saw plenty. I envisaged the whole area as it looked in ancient Britain and suddenly, strangely, my mind was full of questions about whether there's a significant difference between a 'soul' and a 'spirit'. There's something very 'alive' and magical about this location.

Friday July 30
Only Sun

Dear Jonathan,
I'm a Pisces with a Virgo Ascendant and a Libra Moon. I've been reading your Virgo forecasts with interest. Could you say more about how Saturn leaving my rising sign will affect me? Liza

Dear Liza,
I can't say 'more' when I haven't yet said anything! My predictions here are Sun-sign predictions only. I know some people apply them to their Moon and rising signs too, but, at the risk of sounding like a schoolmaster, that's naughty! Mind you, now Saturn has left your rising sign, you'll probably be even less inclined to do what I, or anyone says!

Saturday July 31
Your August Monthly Forecast

A rare 'cosmic cross' has been building up slowly for months. In August, it intensifies. Mars joins forces with Saturn, whilst Jupiter and Uranus oppose it from the other side of the sky. A celestial see- saw, with a pair of planets on either side, while Pluto sits on the pivot, is a sure sign of change and challenge. One decade into the 21st century, our world still upholds beliefs that shaped the last millennium. Now we need to see life differently. For all who want to embrace the new, this is a marvellous month.

Sunday August 1
Your Week Ahead

A rare 'cosmic cross' has been building up slowly for months. In August, it intensifies. Mars joins forces with Saturn, whilst Jupiter and Uranus oppose it from the other side of the sky. A celestial see- saw, with a pair of planets on either side, while Pluto sits on the pivot, is a sure sign of change and challenge. One decade into the 21st century, our world still upholds beliefs that shaped the last millennium. Now we need to see life differently. For all who want to embrace the new, this is a marvellous month.

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