Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



November 1 2010 to November 7 2010

Monday November 1
You say "U-raynus", I say "U-rarness"

Dear Jonathan,
I'm delighted to hear you say that Venus in retrograde could be a very good time to start a relationship, since I just started one! Could you say more about that? I keep reading conflicting things. Holly

Dear Holly,
Astrologers generally agree about what various planetary alignments mean. The differences in our techniques are usually no greater than the differences between those who use, say, American or British 'English'. This, though, is one of the few areas where there's a little controversy. My own view, that a retrograde Venus is often auspicious, is definitely a minority view.

Tuesday November 2
Venus Retrograde Review

Dear Jonathan,
My opinion is that a 'relationship' begins at the initial meeting. Venus in retrograde is the best time to review, evaluate and analyse a relationship. What better time to do that than the very beginning? The question then would be, 'do you want or need to explore this further?'Steve.

Dear Steve,
Now you put it like this, I feel better able to articulate my own understanding. We need not 'beware' starting a relationship while Venus is retrograde because it will automatically make us all wary! If it begins, despite this, most likely it has a fine future.

Wednesday November 3
Lucky Seven

Dear Jonathan,
The Hindu scholarly work, "Panchathantra" indicates that people start a relationship (friendship) when they walk seven steps together, exchange seven words together and dine at each other's homes. - Srikanth

Dear Srikanth, But what if one or both can't cook?

Dear Jonathan,
When does a relationship begin? An interesting question. Definitely at first eye contact. The eyes are the window to the soul :) - Johnny

Dear Johnny, But what if one or both are blind?

Dear Jonathan,
A relationship starts when two people recognize each other's spirit. And that's immediate! Anita

Dear Anita, I can't argue with this one!

Thursday November 4
Holy Moses!

Last week, I visited Istanbul. There, in a museum of ancient artefacts, is (or so they claim) the very staff with which Moses parted the Red Sea. I decided to suspend my disbelief and treat it as the real thing. Immediately, I began to feel that it was a waste to let such a powerful tool languish in a glass case. What could it do for the world in the right hands? And what would happen if it fell into the wrong hands? Then it dawned on me.. the magic was never in the wood; it was in Moses.

Friday November 5
Dark of the Moon

We are in the Dark of the Moon. Many people say that at this time of the month they are more likely to experience loaded emotional encounters. Others have come to expect, tense, 'psychic' moments; the kind when the hairs on the back of your neck stand up as you suddenly recognise something... or someone. Revelations rush in, as do 'creative frenzies' and 'telepathic exchanges'. For some, the New Moon tends to be a time for sensing the close, supportive presence of loved ones who have passed on. Here's wishing you a weekend of sweet sensitivity and joyous discovery.

Saturday November 6
Your Week Ahead

Have you ever looked out of the window of a train as it passes another train heading in the same direction? It looks as if that other train is going backwards. That's the principle behind 'retrograde planets'. They don't really travel in reverse but when it looks as if that's what they're doing, some see it as a 'bad omen.' Venus, the love planet is currently 'retrograde'. Some astrologers seem to think this means that many of us will have to put something we love behind us. Really, though, it more suggests we can bring back a lost love.

Sunday November 7
Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

Have you ever looked out of the window of a train as it passes another train heading in the same direction? It looks as if that other train is going backwards. That's the principle behind 'retrograde planets'. They don't really travel in reverse but when it looks as if that's what they're doing, some see it as a 'bad omen.' Venus, the love planet is currently 'retrograde'. Some astrologers seem to think this means that many of us will have to put something we love behind us. Really, though, it more suggests we can bring back a lost love.

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