Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



March 14 2011 to March 20 2011

Monday March 14

I spent last Thursday trying to answer a reader's letter about the recent earthquake in New Zealand. 'Apparently, some astrologers now expect trouble in Japan. What do you think?' I cast some charts and refreshed my memory on 'Supermoons' (when the Moon is exceptionally close to Earth) and 'Solar maximums' (which are also happening now and have been linked to tectonic plate movement.) More earthquakes indeed looked likeIy. But where and when? I know I'm not the only forecaster who has lately been wishing for the ability to be more specific... but right now, I'm really feeling for my Japanese friends.

Tuesday March 15
Highly Charged

Dear Jonathan,
I too have experienced people's names popping into my mind just before or after their death. I was shocked to realise the connection was so strong. Suzanne

Hi Jonathan,
Names of dead or dying people often pop into my mind too. Thank you for mentioning this. I feel I am not alone with something that others would say is crazy. Mary Ann

Dear Jonathan, I also find street lights turn off as I go past them. And recently the numbers on my new digital clock radio started scrambling whenever I reached to turn off the alarm. Patty

Wednesday March 16
Solar System Upgrade

Dear Mr Cainer,
If I got into a spaceship and zoomed out of our solar system, would the planets cease to influence me? Would I be able to shed my star sign characteristics for the duration of the trip and be a truer me? Leone

Dear Leone,
I wonder how much of the 'true you' you'd be able to express in the tiny cabin of a rocket. But in theory, yes. You would no longer be influenced by the planets in our solar system. Though you'd still have the personality you developed over many years of living on Earth.

Thursday March 17
Tide Waits For No Man

We are approaching the equinox, when days and nights are of equal length. This year, it coincides with a Full Moon at a time when the Moon is about as close to the Earth as it ever gets. Some people have suggested a connection between this and the recent earthquakes. I rather doubt this. The Moon was nowhere near so close when disaster struck Japan. Then again, though we think of the Earth as solid, it's actually just a crust above a spinning mass of boiling mud. So maybe that inner core has a tidal pattern of its own.

Friday March 18
Power Struggle

Though this has been a dreadful week in many respects, it has not been without its mercies. We have come perilously close to a nuclear meltdown that could have caused devastation right around the globe. We've been shown, depending on how you care to look at it, just how fragile our power generation systems are... or how robust. I'm not keen to encourage complacency. There may be more natural disasters to come, more tragedies to transcend and more lessons to learn. But there are still as many blessings to count as fears to address this Full Moon equinox weekend.

Saturday March 19
Your Week Ahead

It won't be till next week that Jupiter completes its rare, once-a- decade opposition to Saturn. But the moment it's over, it's over. In astrology, all the action is in the waxing or the coming together. Once an alignment becomes exact, it 'completes' and, as it wanes, so does its influence. It's now, while the planets are edging towards their stand-off, that we can expect the greatest conflict between old and new. After which, plus the rebalancing influence of the equinox, we'll all find the way things were is no longer the way they're going to be.

Sunday March 20
Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

It won't be till next week that Jupiter completes its rare, once-a- decade opposition to Saturn. But the moment it's over, it's over. In astrology, all the action is in the waxing or the coming together. Once an alignment becomes exact, it 'completes' and, as it wanes, so does its influence. It's now, while the planets are edging towards their stand-off, that we can expect the greatest conflict between old and new. After which, plus the rebalancing influence of the equinox, we'll all find the way things were is no longer the way they're going to be.

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