Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



June 13 2011 to June 19 2011

Monday June 13

Hi Jonathan,
Saw today that Taurus is in Jupiter. Will it be there long? I think this will be OK for me, being Pisces? Natasha

Hi Natasha,
Actually, it's the other way round. Jupiter is in Taurus. It has just moved in and will be there till next June. It will, indeed, be OK for you.

Dear Jonathan,
I'm Piscean but I don't think I like Neptune being retrograde in Pisces. It has all gone pear-shaped for me. Liz

Dear Liz,
Things will improve soon. PS: I've never understood why people say pear-shaped. Pears have attractive shapes.

Jonathan's next talk will be; Speaker's Forum, Green Futures, Sunday 26th June, Glastonbury Festival

Tuesday June 14
Power of Nothing

Dear Jonathan,
I've read that during the coming lunar eclipse we should meditate to make sure that it brings us the changes we want. But how much will just happen to us whether we meditate or not? And how much more power do we have over our lives during these eclipses? JoAnna

Dear JoAnna,
I don't know where you read this, but I didn't write it. Call me old-fashioned, but I always thought the point of meditation was not to get what you want... but to make yourself so calm and peaceful inside that you don't want anything.

A rather glorious lunar eclipse will take place tomorrow evening at sunset European time, mid-afternoon in South America; and from dawn on Thursday in Australia, Japan and Singapore. It is not visible from North America and Canada.

Jonathan's next talk will be; Speaker's Forum, Green Futures, Sunday 26th June, Glastonbury Festival

Wednesday June 15
A Proper Eclipse Now

Hey Jonathan,
Are those on the planet where eclipses directly face the Earth at more benefit (or risk) than those who are in North America, where we will not be able to see today's eclipse? Lynda

Hey Lynda,
Nobody is at any risk from this, or any other eclipse. Nor is it necessary to see the eclipse, or be in a place from which it can be seen, in order to come under the astrological influence. But it's still a glorious sight to behold and you can see it today from sunset, after 9pm in the UK; and Thursday morning after 1.30am in India; 6am in Sydney and Melbourne; and 5am in Japan. It's not visible in North America.

Thursday June 16
Science Fiction

You may have read about a study that suggests your month of birth can predict how clever you will be or the kind of illness you will be most likely to suffer from. The research was well reported and accepted by respectable scientists, including an Oxford University neuroscientist who called the conclusions 'surprising and remarkable'. He added, 'I am not giving voice to astrology, it's nonsense, but we are not immune to seasonal interference.' Well fancy that! Scientists can now happily predict your future just from knowing your date of birth. But when astrologers do the same... it's 'nonsense!'

Friday June 17
Death Wish

Dear Jonathan,
Does astrology have anything to say about assisted dying or suicide? Hayley

Dear Hayley,
My first reaction when I read your short email, was to give a short reply. I figured I'd just say, 'No'. Astrology has nothing to say on this contentious matter. But astrology does have plenty to say about the future. Major changes in the cosmic climate suggest that by 2025, in most civilised countries, it will be perfectly legal to request assistance in dying. So it will be legal too for medical professionals to supply that assistance, subject to stringent checks and procedures.

Saturday June 18
Your Week Ahead

Mars and Neptune form a right angle soon. Or at least, they do when viewed through the window of Spaceship Earth. We all live on one big craft, hurtling through the cosmos, spinning like a top. The 'window' is our sky and through it, Mars and Neptune appear to be at an angle of 90 degrees apart, even though they're millions of miles apart. It's just a two-dimensional optical illusion. I mention this because this Mars/Neptune alignment traditionally favours those who know the difference betwen how things look and how they truly are.

Sunday June 19
Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

Mars and Neptune form a right angle soon. Or at least, they do when viewed through the window of Spaceship Earth. We all live on one big craft, hurtling through the cosmos, spinning like a top. The 'window' is our sky and through it, Mars and Neptune appear to be at an angle of 90 degrees apart, even though they're millions of miles apart. It's just a two-dimensional optical illusion. I mention this because this Mars/Neptune alignment traditionally favours those who know the difference between how things look and how they truly are.

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