Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



January 23 2012 to January 29 2012

Monday January 23
Happy New New Year

Happy Chinese New Year! Losar, Tibetan New Year, comes next month. Hindu New Year falls on March 23, as does Nowruz, Iranian New Year. Songkran, Thai New Year, is mid-April. Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year, is on September 16 and Islamic New Year is November 15. More on these as they come up, but for now, if you're struggling with a resolution, try again! January 1 has no astrological relevance - but the start of Ren Chen (Year of the Water Dragon) coincides with the annual Aquarian New Moon. A new moon is always auspicious for a fresh start.

Tuesday January 24
Pound Down in Gown

Just before Chinese New Year began, a Chan Chu came into my life. I didn't know what one of these was either till someone handed me a model of a golden, red-eyed three-legged toad, sitting atop a pile of coins. It is in my living room, facing the front door - which, apparently, is the correct feng shui position if you want to attract wealth. I can't yet be sure it is working... but initial indications are good. I found a pound in my dressing gown pocket yesterday. Now, I just need a few hundred more dressing gowns!

Wednesday January 25
The Magic Dragon

We get a year of the Dragon once every 12 years. But the 'years' go through a cycle of Chinese elements, which mean there's a much longer interval between years of the Water Dragon. We last had one in 1952. We get one next in 2072. Meanwhile, later this year, we've got a rare transit of Venus coming up. The world won't see this again until December 2117. Though many are still talking now, about a tough time, full of struggles, it's much more appropriate to see it as a deeply auspicious time for sowing new seeds of hope.

Thursday January 26
Rich Cassidy and the Venus Sundance Bid

Astrologers often attend seminars and conferences, sharing aspects of our research and experience. In principle, our chart interpretations draw on the same data, follow the same methodology and honour the same traditions. But once in while one of us will come up with a 'fresh take'. My colleague Kathryn Cassidy, for example, notes that this year's Transit of Venus involves the tiny planet of wealth crossing the face of the Sun, a far bigger symbol of vitality. She thinks we'll be reminded of how much more important it is to feel good than to feel rich. I like that!

Friday January 27
Middle Age Dread

Earlier this week, a powerful 'solar flare' began to bombard Earth. 'Coronal mass ejections' happen fairly often but they don't all connect with us. When they do, they can cause trouble with satellites, communication networks, even power grids. It has long been known that the Sun is due to produce more of these this year and some fear we could be cast back to the Middle Ages! It's not going to get that bad. And, though they may be bad for sources of electrical energy, human energy tends to benefit from these events. People become more animated and awake!

Saturday January 28
Your February Monthly Forecast

February brings us one of the most sensitive occasions on the calendar. There is nothing astrological about Valentine's Day. It is not as if the planet of love automatically joins forces with the planet of self-expression, inspiring millions to pour out their hearts. Those who do it, just do it because, well, it's traditional. Those who don't, have to withstand the accusation that they are unromantic or heartless. If your love life does not look set to bring joy later this month, fear not. In 2012, such things will come naturally, whenever they (and we) are truly ready.

Sunday January 29
Your week ahead - Love Focus

February brings us one of the most sensitive occasions on the calendar. There is nothing astrological about Valentine's Day. It is not as if the planet of love automatically joins forces with the planet of self-expression, inspiring millions to pour out their hearts. Those who do it, just do it because, well, it's traditional. Those who don't, have to withstand the accusation that they are unromantic or heartless. If your love life does not look set to bring joy later this month, fear not. In 2012, such things will come naturally, whenever they (and we) are truly ready.

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