Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



December 9 2019 to December 15 2019

Monday December 9

New Territory

More Sally Fisher Art here.

To understand the effect of Mercury leaving the shadow and entering Sagittarius, imagine that Mercury's trips backwards are like mislaying car keys. When we've lost something, we have to retrace our steps until we find it again. When we've found the keys in a pocket, we have to get from the wardrobe back to the car before we can set off on our journey. Today, we find ourselves back at the kerbside. We're free to explore wherever we want to go and move into new territory.

Tuesday December 10

Tough Love

More Sally Fisher Art here.

We're edging towards January's Saturn-Pluto convergence in Capricorn, while the Sun heads for the same part of the zodiac. As Venus connects with Saturn tomorrow, and Pluto on Friday, it acts like a cushion to soften its arrival. This is the celestial equivalent of 'tough love'. Yet we needn't fear ugly heads rising, or noses being put out of joint. It's time to prioritise what our hearts need, whilst taking responsibility for our actions, and care with how we build on what's developing.

Wednesday December 11

Roller Coaster

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Astrologers are a bit like maps at the entrance to a theme park. It's the cosmos that's in control of operating the roller-coaster. But just before we leap on board and set out on the next thrills and spills journey, we're being offered an astral safety harness. This is exquisite timing, because the coming link of Mars to Neptune heightens sensitivity, making us more susceptible to life's highs and lows. Their relationship with Saturn enables us to enjoy the excitement, without going too far.

Thursday December 12

Feline Moon

More Sally Fisher Art here.

When we're holding too much stress, the only sensible course is to let it out. That doesn't necessarily mean volcanic explosions of anger or waterfalls of tears; ideally we'd channel the built-up energy in a positive direction. But when that's not possible, it's important not to cause more damage by caging these forces; they do more harm than when they're released. The Full Moon brings matters to a head. Instead of herding any emotional cats, consider letting them out of the bag.

Friday December 13

Lucky for Some

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Even the most superstitious of folk needn't be fearful of walking under a ladder today because, despite Friday 13th's reputation, this weekend looks as if it will turn out to be very lucky indeed. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, moves into a harmonious link with Uranus, the bringer of revolutionary change. So, although this isn't the moment to casually walk under scaffolding whilst juggling mirrors, if an opportunity to climb higher arrives, we needn't be fearful of exploring it.

Saturday December 14

Your Weekly Horoscope

More Sally Fisher Art here.

My mother-in-law delights us with expressions from her home town. Recently, when I told her some surprising news, she responded, 'I'll go to the foot of our stairs'! We may all be joining her there this week as Uranus, the great disrupter, harmonises with Jupiter, the planet of adventure and opportunity. But rather than leaving us feeling bewildered and confused, the two sky gods combine to deliver flashes of inspiration. No matter how striking the coming events may be, we're unlikely to be dumbstruck!

Sunday December 15

Your Week Ahead - Love Focus

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Remember, your Love Forecast today does not just cover romance. A love forecast may also have something to say about your family life, your closest friendships and even some of your most important working relationships.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts