Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



May 15 2023 to May 21 2023

Monday May 15

Dream into Action

More Sally Fisher Art here.

If a dream without a plan is a wish, when plans unravel do they become nightmares? As Mercury's retrograde phase comes to an end, delays, frustrations and confusions begin to ease. We're good to go! The communication planet's links with Venus and Saturn highlight creativity and work - a combination that can be successfully employed to turn dreams into realities. With Jupiter (luck and good fortune) entering earthy Taurus tomorrow, real progress, in exciting new directions, is possible.

Tuesday May 16

All You Can Eat

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Jupiter (growth, adventure and good fortune) makes a bombastic entrance into Taurus, the home of indulgent pleasure, security and resources. The thing about Jupiter is, like Homer Simpson at an all-you-can-eat buffet, its enthusiasm can overtake reason! And with dynamic Mars adding its energy, that's a distinct possibility today. Luckily Pluto's involvement offers a transforming influence. No matter how voracious our appetite, we can summon the self-control to choose options that fuel us on paths to success.

Wednesday May 17

Delicious Dish

More Sally Fisher Art here.

As expansive Jupiter settles into earthy Taurus it brings movement to issues and situations that have been frustratingly unresponsive. Faced with a wealth of new opportunities, the possibilities could be overwhelming. With so much enthusiasm in the air, it's worth pausing before leaping into action. As situations heat up, containing and channelling excitement is key to ensuring that life serves up a treat. If a key ingredient's missing, the dish we serve won't be as delicious as it could be.

Thursday May 18

Cash is King

More Sally Fisher Art here.

With a king at the helm, Commonwealth citizens will need to adapt to seeing a new face on their coins. And, with abundant Jupiter taking residence in well-grounded, practical Taurus, we can all hope to be seeing more eyes staring back from our purses! Hopeful signs of growth won't be immediately obvious: the seeds of hope planted in the dark of the Cosmic Cradle New Moon need nurturing if they're to bear fruit. But as Jupiter and Pluto align, subtle, positive transformations are in progress.

Friday May 19

The Cosmic Cradle

More Sally Fisher Art here.

The Cosmic Cradle is an unusual and powerful cosmic alignment. Its arrival, with the New Moon, encourages us to appreciate and nurture our resources and to dream of how we can live in healthier, more sustainable ways. With dynamic Mars and the Sun changing signs this weekend, the cosmos offers us both new tools and new toys to work and play with. It's time to think outside the box, and run with innovative ideas. With the freedom to experiment and have fun there's no limit to what we can achieve.

Saturday May 20

Your Weekly Horoscope

More Sally Fisher Art here.

A powerful alignment of planets, known as the Cosmic Cradle, continues to gently rock our world this week. With Jupiter (good fortune) settling into earthy Taurus, a creative blend of strength and belief will help us push away fears and nourish a sense of hope. While effort and excitement are desirable qualities, they must be employed with sensitivity if we're going to make real progress. Awareness of other people's needs will enable us to make decisions that make a real difference.

Sunday May 21

Your Week Ahead Love Horoscope

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Remember, your Love Forecast today does not just cover romance. A love forecast may also have something to say about your family life, your closest friendships and even some of your most important working relationships.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts