Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



June 5 2023 to June 11 2023

Monday June 5

Precious Jewels

More Sally Fisher Art here.

As Venus moves opposite mysterious Pluto, it asks us to explore our deepest desires. Actually, it doesn't just ask to explore them, it invites us to dance, play and enjoy them! With the planet of love poised to enter fiery Leo, there are plenty of opportunities for us to explore creative expressions of our innermost feelings. Not all dramas are stressful. And with the confidence to face our deepest concerns and desires, emotional jewels can be revealed. They deserve to be polished and worn with pride.

Tuesday June 6

No Stress!

More Sally Fisher Art here.

We've been talking about not being scared to look at what's hidden beneath the surface. Pluto, the hidden force at the edge of the solar system, is particularly active as it links with Venus and the Sun whilst preparing to re-enter Capricorn at the weekend. I need to stress that this isn't a reason to get, er, stressed! But I also need to acknowledge the intensity of the feelings now arising. We can't always control our emotions. But by responding with care, we can use these experiences to grow.

Wednesday June 7

Perpetual Motion

More Sally Fisher Art here.

The Rolling Stones released their first single 60 years ago today. I wonder if they thought they'd still be 'gathering no moss' so many years later! It usually takes the benefit of hindsight to realise the significance of events. As Venus and Uranus encourage us to look at innovative ways to create positive change, a deeper, hidden shift is also taking place. Even if we don't understand the benefits of this inner transformation, it's too good an opportunity to be left on the doorstep. Can't you hear it knocking?

Thursday June 8

Eyes on the Road

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Although having a strong imagination is an asset, the realms of fantasy can seduce us into mindsets that are difficult to escape. From Van Gogh to Kanye, brilliant minds, capable of creating great art, sometimes run into difficulty. As Mercury (intellect) prepares to link with dreamy Neptune, it's worth sensitively listening to the creative muse's siren song. As long as we keep our hands on the steering wheel, and know the direction we're headed towards, inspiring ideas will make journeys satisfying, and fun.

Friday June 9

Idea in a Box

More Sally Fisher Art here.

The future rarely rushes in all at once. Normally, we catch glimpses of what lies ahead, then return to the present, and deal with issues left over from the past. As Pluto moves back into Capricorn this weekend, it might feel like recent progress is being undone. Yet ideas can't be put back into boxes. This is an opportunity to consider how transformation can be achieved in an innovative way. Jupiter promises that recent feelings of optimism are justified and worth hanging onto. Good things are coming.

Saturday June 10

Your Weekly Horoscope

More Sally Fisher Art here.

When designing products or services, inventors create prototypes that deliver 'proof of concept'. These show how something can and will work, but indicate that further development is required. This week, as Pluto returns to Capricorn, it may feel like a step backwards. But sometimes old ways need dismantling before real progress can occur. We're taking necessary steps to create a better future. And the Jupiter-Sun-Venus alignment promises it can be brighter than we dare hope.

Sunday June 11

Your Week Ahead Love Horoscope

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Remember, your Love Forecast today does not just cover romance. A love forecast may also have something to say about your family life, your closest friendships and even some of your most important working relationships.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts