Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



June 19 2023 to June 25 2023

Monday June 19

Juneteenth Celebrations

More Sally Fisher Art here.

With Saturn's retrograde movement being encouraged by enthusiastic Jupiter, the cosmos creates the perfect atmosphere for Juneteenth celebrations. It's time to leave obstructive perspectives behind and make room for more ambitious, socially aware, positive change. Our ideas are only limited by the scale of our imaginations. And with inspiring Neptune being empowered by the Sun, we can dream big and take steps to turn fantasies into reality. It's not going to be instant. But it's going to be good.

Tuesday June 20

World Refugee Day

More Sally Fisher Art here.

It's World Refugee Day, and with backwards-moving Saturn linking with free-roaming Jupiter, I need to be careful not to follow in the footsteps of a certain UK sports presenter, and say something that might get me into trouble! As Mercury forms a tense link to Pluto, and Venus and Neptune make a tricky connection, expressions of empathy and kindness might be misconstrued. Yet fear of being misunderstood shouldn't prevent heartfelt discussions. Surprising connections can be formed today.

Wednesday June 21

Glastonbury Festival

More Sally Fisher Art here.

The Solstice arrives in perfect timing for Glastonbury revellers: they have the northern hemisphere's longest day to soak up the atmosphere. Although having personally experienced those rain-sodden muddy fields, there's no guarantee festival goers won't get a soaking in more ways than one! But I'll stick to predicting the cosmic climate rather than the weather! The good news is that whatever kind of field we're in, Mercury and Mars shower us with passionate exchanges and exciting ideas.

Thursday June 22

Political Soap

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Who needs soap operas when the lives of the rich and powerful are so full of drama, deceit and denial? Once upon a time, didn't politics used to be about reaching compromises, or consensus, in the quest for progress? These days, arguments (even between people on the same side of the political divide) are splashing across our screens. The Solstice encourages us to be like the Sun, and set a shining example. It's by being our best selves that we'll discover the true meaning of 'success'.

Friday June 23

Ruffled Feathers

More Sally Fisher Art here.

No one's sure where the expression 'never apologise, never explain' originated. Interestingly, under this weekend's cosmic climate, we're likely to find ourselves doing both of these things! Mercury's links with Jupiter and then Neptune suggest it will be hard to keep our thoughts to ourselves and we'll be highly sensitive to the effects of our words. As long as ideas are positive, unselfish and suit the bigger picture, it's OK to ruffle a few feathers. The more justifiable our actions the easier any apologies will be.

Saturday June 24

Your Weekly Horoscope

More Sally Fisher Art here.

They say it's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission. And since the Sun-Mars-Uranus relationship suggests we'll be doing more leaping than looking, we'll all be grateful for the forgiving atmosphere created by Neptune's slow down. Mercury's arrival in sensitive Cancer adds extra gentleness to the celestial mix. Although the path to progress always ruffles a few feathers, as long as actions are accompanied by thoughtful explanations, positive changes are possible.

Sunday June 25

Your Week Ahead Love Horoscope

More Sally Fisher Art here.

Remember, your Love Forecast today does not just cover romance. A love forecast may also have something to say about your family life, your closest friendships and even some of your most important working relationships.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts