Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



October 2 2023 to October 8 2023

Monday October 2

Clouds of Confusion

As Mercury, the planet of communication moves opposite Neptune it creates clouds of confusion and misunderstanding. Which might be less than ideal for the party-political conference taking place in the UK! In fact, anyone who's got an agenda, and is trying to convince other people to buy into their idea, will have to dig deep, and speak from their heart if they're going to succeed. Strong connections, built on trust, are possible. But only when we find the confidence to speak our truth.

Tuesday October 3

Behind Closed Doors

With Mercury and Pluto harmonising today, it's deals made behind closed doors that prove most influential. So, instead of focusing on what's being proposed, we need to think about what we're actually experiencing. Which doesn't mean being suspicious: that causes unnecessary stress. Just because we're not in possession of all the information doesn't necessarily mean anything's wrong. But before throwing ourselves into any new situations we need to consider the real impact they will make on our lives.

Wednesday October 4

Finding Jewels

Although it happens to be my birthday, today's cosmic gift isn't exclusively for me! And although it involves my sign's ruling planet, it isn't just for Librans either! As Venus (love and abundance) reaches the tip of a Finger of Fate, it invites us to uncover the truth of tricky situations, with unexpectedly positive consequences. Sometimes, layers of complication prevent us from seeing the value of ideas. Like a game of pass-the-parcel, we can strip off the layers and find jewels today.

Thursday October 5

Girl With A Balloon

In perfect timing for World Teachers Day, the Sun and Venus align, while Mercury (communication) enters harmonious Libra. It's an ideal climate for creative endeavours and balanced, intelligent debate. 5 years ago today, when Banksy's 'Girl With A Balloon' shred itself after being auctioned, his work became even more highly valued. So even if life takes unexpected turns, there are reasons to be hopeful. This is an opportunity to use the power of our creativity and achieve positive, lasting results.

Friday October 6

Not Fair!

With Mercury (communication) settling into diplomatic Libra, we can expect lots of discussions about what's fair (and what's not). And with Venus maintaining its position at the tip of the Finger of Fate, we need to be wary about taking anything at face value. This weekend, it's by taking the time to listen to what people are really saying, and making the effort to work out what's going on behind the scenes that we can deepen relationships that will sustain and support us into the future.

Saturday October 7

Your Weekly Horoscope

There's passion in the air! As we move towards the first of two Eclipses, emotions are being ramped up and sensitivities are being heightened. And these feelings are amplified by the Mars-Pluto link: plus the power planet's move into Scorpio. This week, the cosmos highlights forgotten desires and long-lost dreams. Yet with Venus entering earthy Virgo, the planet of love acts as a counterpoint to the intensity. By focusing on compassionate action, the fires being fuelled will be empowering rather than all consuming!

Sunday October 8

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

There's passion in the air! As we move towards the first of two Eclipses, emotions are being ramped up and sensitivities are being heightened. And these feelings are amplified by the Mars-Pluto link: plus the power planet's move into Scorpio. This week, the cosmos highlights forgotten desires and long-lost dreams. Yet with Venus entering earthy Virgo, the planet of love acts as a counterpoint to the intensity. By focusing on compassionate action, the fires being fuelled will be empowering rather than all consuming!

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts