Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



October 30 2023 to November 5 2023

Monday October 30


The clocks aren't the only things changing this week! I'm delighted to announce that my cousin Jemima Cainer (Jonathan's daughter) is writing your forecasts while I work on the predictions for 2024. Jemima, who grew up immersed in astrology, is an astrologer in her own right, and a busy working mum of three. Her Moon Sign columns have a loyal following, and we're enjoying collaborating on special astrology features. I'm excited about uncovering cosmic secrets together. And confident I'm leaving you in capable, insightful hands!

Tuesday October 31

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Since I'm not actually writing the forecasts this week, I feel a bit phantom-like! This week, with my brilliant cousin, Jemima Cainer, taking on the mantle, I'm a bit like a wayward spirit who refuses to take a break! So, rather than playing tricks, or being a nuisance, I'll leave you in peace, in Jemima's capable hands. You're in for a treat. And, with Venus (love) linked to sparky Uranus in a Grand Trine, any surprises coming today, are much more likely to be delicious than scary.

Wednesday November 1


Your horoscopes today, are written by Jemima Cainer, Jonathan's daughter. Having grown up in a family with astrology at its heart, Jemima's unique experience offers innovative insight into the planets' influences on our lives. We've been collaborating on special pieces - and are excited about working together. Today, as the Sun moves opposite enthusiastic Jupiter, by supporting other people, we can all find ways to create more optimistic views of the future: and take steps to make our visions become reality. Teamwork is key.

Thursday November 2

Dream Big

Although my cousin Jemima Cainer (Jonathan's daughter), is only covering for me this week, it marks the official start of our collaboration. We're both excited to be sharing ideas about what the future holds. It feels like this partnership was 'meant to be'. As expansive Jupiter and inspirational Neptune prepare to align, the cosmos encourages us all to dream big. And, if we dream biggest where there's a sense of 'inevitability', the effects will lead to inspiring developments that bring support and hope.

Friday November 3

Back to Work

Today is the last day my cousin Jemima Cainer - Jonathan's daughter - is supplying your daily horoscope. I've enjoyed reading her work, and receiving astrological advice (rather than giving it!) The beauty of astrology is that each astrologer brings their unique insight. Interpretation is key. As Mercury (intellect) moves opposite innovative Uranus this weekend, we can all process information in ways that lead to life improvements. But, with Saturn turning direct, the cosmos is telling me that it's time to get back to work!

Saturday November 4

Your Weekly Horoscope

This weekend, Guy Fawkes celebrations (in the UK) aren't the only fireworks. As Mercury opposes sparky Uranus and enters fiery Sagittarius, even carefully chosen words can trigger intense feelings. There's lots of power and responsibility at our fingertips! Saturn's change of direction reminds us that inspiration (rather than manipulation) is the way to achieve what we need without causing unnecessary explosions. And the more sensitively we display our feelings, the more pleasure we can create.

Sunday November 5

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

This weekend, Guy Fawkes celebrations (in the UK) aren't the only fireworks. As Mercury opposes sparky Uranus and enters fiery Sagittarius, even carefully chosen words can trigger intense feelings. There's lots of power and responsibility at our fingertips! Saturn's change of direction reminds us that inspiration (rather than manipulation) is the way to achieve what we need without causing unnecessary explosions. And the more sensitively we display our feelings, the more pleasure we can create.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts