Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



November 27 2023 to December 3 2023

Monday November 27

Cyber Grass

According to my son, when someone spends too much time playing video games, they're told they need to 'touch grass' (spend more time outside!). While today is 'Cyber Monday' (when online retailers hold post-thanksgiving sales), in the offline world it's National Tree Week. And in the celestial realms, today brings the Gemini Full Moon. In these hi-tech times, emotional and spiritual sustenance are more important than ever. Interacting with the people and things around us will bring the greatest satisfaction.

Tuesday November 28

Red Planet Day

Today is 'Red Planet Day' when we celebrate all things associated with the planet Mars. And with our celestial neighbour newly in Sagittarius, its influence is worth celebrating. Although yesterday's Full Moon encourages a lightening of mood in emotional situations, today's cosmic message focuses on protecting boundaries and pursuing meaningful desires. Sometimes, a subtle jest can make a sober point. By talking light-heartedly about heartfelt matters, important messages can be shared, and understood.

Wednesday November 29

Taylor and Travis

Could Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce be the new Beckhams? Just like Posh and Becks, Taylor is a pop icon while Travis is a sports star. Being constantly in the limelight is tricky for any couple - we can all name a few who've buckled under the intensity of the cameras' glare. In our less glamorous lives, with the Sun and Jupiter in an intense relationship, two big forces are competing for attention. To maximise the opportunities on offer, and enjoy ourselves as much as possible, good communication is key.

Thursday November 30

Climate Summit

The COP 28 Climate Summit starts today. And with Mercury (communication) preparing to enter earthy Capricorn, there are reasons to hope the dialogue will be productive. Mercury's links with Saturn (the cosmic teacher) bode well for striking long-term deals and agreeing strict standards. Whatever the message we choose to communicate today, we need to mean what we say and be prepared to be held accountable. With integrity, good intentions can become good deeds. And that's how good changes begin.

Friday December 1

Chocolate Mystery

Opening an advent calendar is one of those annual rituals that marks the start of the festive season. And like many kids, my son had his first advent chocolate today. In these challenging times, being able to enjoy simple pleasures, and indulge ourselves, feels extra special. This weekend, as Venus (love and abundance) links with mysterious Pluto, we might be surprised by the gifts and opportunities coming our way. Things we think of as being a bit 'naughty' could turn out to be rather nice, and worth sharing.

Saturday December 2

Your December Monthly Horoscope

2023 might be drawing to a close, but there's no end of planetary activity brightening our lives in December. With Venus (love and pleasure) encouraging attitude changes that can win hearts and deepen bonds, a spirit of kindness and generosity infuses the festive season. Add the Solstice and the Full Moon, and Christmas has the potential to be memorable for all the right reasons. The more freely we give ourselves to sharing the joys of each moment, the more satisfied and happier we'll be.

Sunday December 3

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

2023 might be drawing to a close, but there's no end of planetary activity brightening our lives in December. With Venus (love and pleasure) encouraging attitude changes that can win hearts and deepen bonds, a spirit of kindness and generosity infuses the festive season. Add the Solstice and the Full Moon, and Christmas has the potential to be memorable for all the right reasons. The more freely we give ourselves to sharing the joys of each moment, the more satisfied and happier we'll be.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts