Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



December 18 2023 to December 24 2023

Monday December 18

Inner Rock Star

Following the Sun's link to dreamy Neptune this weekend, we don't have to look like movie stars to feel attractive. We don't need to play guitar in a rock band to get noticed. Or be a best-selling novelist to tell our stories. Mercury's retrograde motion focuses on our inner qualities, and makes them more apparent. By taking another look at the obvious today, we can find delicate beauty and unexpected talents. So don't be surprised if other people start recognising (and appreciating) yours!

Tuesday December 19

Sports Personality

It's the BBC 'Sports Personality of the Year' competition tonight. I used to take this literally and think it was awarded to the sportsperson with the 'best' personality. Now, of course, I know it goes to the competitor who's got the most votes. But I prefer my previous understanding! Who doesn't want to watch a battle between famous people trying to prove they've got the best character!? If the Mercury/Uranus links shows us we've got something wrong today, Venus and Pluto will help us laugh about it!

Wednesday December 20

Private Elvis

Today, in 1957, Elvis received his draft notice to start National Service. Before joining up, he was still seen as the corruptor-in-chief of America's youth. But afterwards he found new, older fans who respected the fact that he'd served his country. Fortunately, as the Solstice approaches, and Venus (love) prepares to oppose innovative Uranus, we don't have to take such drastic action in order to benefit from creative reinventions that enhance our reputation. In perfect time for festive fun, expect to sparkle today.

Thursday December 21

Broken Promises

When someone breaks a promise does it always mean they're untrustworthy? The problem with this assumption is that if circumstances alter, we all sometimes realise that we need to change direction; and that can entail reneging on our plans. While changing course might lead to recrimination from some quarters, it's preferable to following a path that no longer inspires us. The approach of the Solstice is the perfect time to be honest about intentions. And with Mercury's involvement, understanding is possible.

Friday December 22

Happy Solstice!

Happy Solstice! As we enter the weekend before Christmas, in my world at least, it feels like lists of things to do, buy, and take care of have taken over. But as the Sun enters earthy Capricorn, marking the shortest and longest day of the year (depending on where you are on the planet) and converges with Mercury, we can take control and prioritise with greater ease. The sky won't fall in on us if we take some time out. And moments of stillness will help us take decisions that make the festivities more fun.

Saturday December 23

Your Weekly Horoscope

T'was the weekend before Christmas. and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except for people like me frantically clicking next-day-delivery! With Mercury retrograde over the festive season, although it's the thought that counts, those thoughts might not always make sense! Yet as Venus and Neptune harmonise for Christmas, hearts will be in the right place. And with the Full Moon highlighting emotional sensitivity, any tricky moments can be smoothed over with ease. It's time for some fun!

Sunday December 24

Christmas Eve

In our house, it's Christmas Eve, and my son is wondering how he'll get to sleep given how excited he is that Santa is coming. In other households, celebrations of family and festive cheer may have a different flavour. But with the Sun and Saturn in an encouraging alignment this weekend, they shine a light on the positive aspects that long-held traditions can bring, no matter which culture they spring from. When the world gets confusing or seems too big - as can sometimes be the case when Mercury is retrograde - grounding ourselves through ritual can be a source of security. So whether Santa visits or skips over your chimney this evening, a meaningful experience is waiting to be had.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts