Nobody is typical of their zodiac sign. We are all individuals and, in our full birth charts, based on our date, time and place of birth, we have all twelve signs operating on us. Your zodiac sign (we astrologers call it your Sun sign) is one of the stronger influences but it is not the only one. It can never, ever represent the be-all and end all of who you are.
Astrology is not about destiny. I hate that word. Astrology is about choice. It is about weighing up your options and picking the best ones. Being born on a certain day doesn't force you to be a certain way. It just makes you a bit more likely to be that way. As the ancients said "Astra Inclinant, Non necessitant" - the stars may lean on us a bit but they don't use force.
While we're on the topic of the ancients, I have an apology to make to them. I have used the word Myth today to mean "misconception". The word though, has another meaning. A myth is a revealing, colourful legend that has been passed down through countless generations. Behind every sign, there's a wonderful myth and a fascinating story.
You know how we all picture Halloween with that classic full Moon hanging in the sky, casting its silver light over trick-or-treaters? Well, this year the sky has a different kind of magic in store for us. Instead of the bright, showy full Moon, we're blessed with something far more potent - the mysterious dark of an almost new Moon. 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a FREE Tarot, iChing and Personal Profile.