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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

scorpio Zodiac Sign

Scorpio Horoscope

Wed, 22nd May 2024
by Oscar Cainer

"I get by with a little help from my friends." As The Beatles neatly put it, we can all do with a helping hand from a friend sometimes. But who should you turn to? Just because you're unsure doesn't mean you shouldn't ask. Under the influence of the coming Flower Moon, you can count on someone being generous with their time. They'll take pleasure in listening and offering you advice. Suppose you ask the wrong person? It's unlikely. Your intuitive skills are being enhanced. And in opening any conversations, you'll gain something.

Venus and Jupiter are bringing you new energy. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )








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Scorpio - Your Weekly Horoscope: Creativity is a powerful tool. It enables us to open doorways into situations that bring the fresh air of hope into our lives. We tend to associate 'being creative' with artistic endeavours like painting, writing and music. But it's a quality that runs through every aspect of life. From the words we use to express ourselves, to the clothes we wear, to our choice of dinner, it influences every part of our world. Your current idea might only be small. But it's good. It has the potential to improve your life. This week brings the inspiration to actuate it.

Scorpio - Your May Monthly Horoscope: Can one inspired idea change everything? It depends on what the idea is! Since this month is special, and brings the potential for awesome changes, it's worth carefully considering your ideas (even the ones you'd normally dismiss as being unrealistic). In fact, if you focus on what's truly important, you'll access an idea about how things can be very good indeed. How will you recognise it and implement it? By trusting in what you think and feel. Following your instincts will give you the impetus to make great gains in May.

Scorpio - Yesterday's Forecast:
You've got info that must be shared. Communicating it needs to be your priority. Yet you're nervous about your ability to explain it in a way that will be understood. And worried about the response you'll get. But unless you speak up, you can only second-guess other people's reactions. And you can't stay silent. Today brings the courage you need to speak from the heart and express yourself in a warm, wise way. Although the consequences are hard to predict, you'll have started a process. And that's good enough.

The upcoming Venus-Jupiter conjunction invites you to deepen your connections. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )

Scorpio - Mon May 20, 2024:
There's only one way to work out the full extent of your capabilities. You need to push yourself to try doing things you feel unsure about. Obviously, you need to know your limits (which you do). But by playing it safe, how will you ever realise your full potential? Your current position might not feel particularly exciting. But you can achieve more than you think. It's a question of attitude. If you see yourself as talented, insightful and resourceful (which you are), you'll open the door to the possibilities that are waiting to be seized.

Scorpio - Sun May 19, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: No matter how far you go out of your way to help someone, if they don't want to be helped you won't be very effective. Even if you sacrifice your own needs to focus on theirs, progress will be hard. This week, take time to consider what's going on with someone's agenda. It's possible they're not being honest with themselves (let alone you). By asking them the right questions you'll help them work out their truth. And that will enrich your connection - and free you both to move forwards in a more positive direction.

Venus and Jupiter are bringing you new energy. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )

Scorpio - Sat May 18, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Creativity is a powerful tool. It enables us to open doorways into situations that bring the fresh air of hope into our lives. We tend to associate 'being creative' with artistic endeavours like painting, writing and music. But it's a quality that runs through every aspect of life. From the words we use to express ourselves, to the clothes we wear, to our choice of dinner, it influences every part of our world. Your current idea might only be small. But it's good. It has the potential to improve your life. This week brings the inspiration to actuate it.

Scorpio - Fri May 17, 2024:
Humans can be modest at one moment and full of self-importance the next. We tend to swing between extremes. And one of life's challenges involves finding a balance between them. In an ideal world, we can be weak and strong. Simple but complex. Courageous, yet willing to learn. It's not easy. But even the act of seeking this kind of equilibrium brings a sense of satisfaction. Under this powerful cosmic climate, if you go beyond the obvious, a potentially tricky situation can be transformed into something special.

Under the upcoming Venus, Jupiter alignment, it's time to embrace the finer things in life. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )

Scorpio - Thu May 16, 2024:
We know energy can't be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed. And since everything is made of energy, money demonstrates this theory perfectly; we have some, and we use it to purchase something. Voila! But if it can't be destroyed, why do so many of us feel a lack of it? Some people say that if we believe we can be prosperous, money will make its way into our world. It's more complicated than that. But if we count happiness as a quality that enriches our lives, if you think positive today, you'll feel emotionally wealthy.

Scorpio: - Wed May 15, 2024:
When we talk about making an investment, our minds immediately turn to businesses and companies. Or to products like gold. Rather than backing individuals who might achieve something great, we prefer to take risks with impersonal things. You however, know who you need to support right now. Whether (or not) it involves money, your encouragement will enable them to make progress. And you'll both profit from that. This is worth your time and energy. There's happiness at stake. And that's worth its weight in gold.

The upcoming Venus-Jupiter conjunction invites you to deepen your connections. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )

Scorpio - Tue May 14, 2024:
We tend to judge ourselves on how we think other people see us. The problem is that we can end up trying to be what we think they want us to be. And if we're not careful, we replace our needs with a desire to fulfill theirs. It's worth taking time to consider how much your self-image is being influenced by your wish to connect with someone whose approval you seek. No matter how strong your feelings, it's not worth forgoing your principles. If you need to step back and reassess, today brings a chance to do that.

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