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Jemima Cainer
Birth Charts
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

taurus Zodiac Sign

Taurus Horoscope

Tue, 21st May 2024
by Oscar Cainer

When things get tough, it's easy to underestimate our strengths. But you're a fighter. You've got the skills to deal with any challenge that comes your way. When faced with a problem, you can summon the courage to look it in the eyes and stare it down. But just because you can be tough doesn't mean you can't be tender. You're ruled by Venus (planet of love). And as it moves to link with lucky Jupiter, it reminds you of your blessings and resources. Good. You can use your natural talents to transform a tricky situation today.

Under the upcoming Venus, Jupiter alignment, it's time to embrace the finer things in life. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )








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Taurus - Your Weekly Horoscope: Areas of specialised knowledge (like programming and law) have their own vocabulary. And when people outside the industry don't understand, they tend to assume that the complexities are beyond their comprehension. This misapprehension is exacerbated by the fact that the folk who work in these areas are so familiar with the vocab they don't explain in terms 'normal' folk understand. This week, a realisation enables you to work out a simple way to solve a problem that other people have been over-complicating. Good.

Taurus - Your May Monthly Horoscope: Magic is a mysterious quality. It thrives in a climate of inspiration and freedom. If there's too much logic around it recedes into the background. It doesn't like rules or explanations. So, to make the most of this month's cosmic climate, with Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in your sign, your task is to welcome laughter and joy into your world. You don't need to force any issues. Or allow yourself to be overwhelmed by any negative emotions. Instead, if you trust that magic is hidden within any turbulence or challenge, May will be amazing.

Taurus - Yesterday's Forecast:
Try to keep things simple today. Only do what intuitively feels right. If something feels complicated, set it aside. And if you find yourself in a situation that demands a response, be confident that you'll be guided to make a good decision. You might need to look at it from a different angle, but if you work on the assumption that a straightforward answer exists, you'll find one. Stress will get in the way of you seeing the doorway that's opening up for you. It leads away from a problem and into a world you really don't want to miss.

Venus and Jupiter are bringing you new energy. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )

Taurus - Sun May 19, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: There's a reason we say 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. Humans love meddling and fixing. But even more than that, we like finding fault with things. It seems we're not happy unless we can find something, even in idyllic situations, to moan about. What are we like?! You're aware of a problem in your relationship world. But could you be over-focusing on it? It's highly probable it's nowhere near as serious as you think. This week, as your ruler, Venus, moves to a new sector of the sky, if you let things be, you'll make space for healing.

Taurus - Sat May 18, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Areas of specialised knowledge (like programming and law) have their own vocabulary. And when people outside the industry don't understand, they tend to assume that the complexities are beyond their comprehension. This misapprehension is exacerbated by the fact that the folk who work in these areas are so familiar with the vocab they don't explain in terms 'normal' folk understand. This week, a realisation enables you to work out a simple way to solve a problem that other people have been over-complicating. Good.

Under the upcoming Venus, Jupiter alignment, it's time to embrace the finer things in life. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )

Taurus - Fri May 17, 2024:
We're astonished when we see illusionists make something disappear and reappear. Yet the fact that a tiny acorn grows into an oak, or that the highest mountains on the planet were once submerged by an ocean, doesn't make much of an impact on us. Surely nature's transformational abilities are more impressive? With Venus converging with Uranus, and the Sun converging with Jupiter (all in your sign), a process of transformation is taking place in your world. This weekend can be remarkable. Get ready to be amazed!

Taurus - Thu May 16, 2024:
With Mars and Jupiter moving to converge in your sign, expect chances to take and opportunities to explore. Some of them might not take you far, but some have a lot of potential. So, your task is to give yourself the space to take advantage of what pops up. Which means being prepared to move into uncharted territory. If that feels unsettling, don't worry. Just because you're uncertain doesn't mean you're doing something you'll regret. If you keep taking baby steps, and do your best, this is going to be fun.

The upcoming Venus-Jupiter conjunction invites you to deepen your connections. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )

Taurus - Wed May 15, 2024:
Venus, your ruler, has been in your sign for a while. Now, as Mercury (communication) joins it in Taurus, it re-boosts the celestial message. You're being blessed by a kindly cosmos. It wants to help you move forwards into territory where you'll be able to flourish. If you feel like you're not yet making progress, don't be disheartened. If you take today's opportunity to clear up an old difficulty, you'll be able to overcome it. Then, you'll find you've got the enthusiasm to seize the chance to improve your life which is on its way.

Taurus: - Tue May 14, 2024:
When you set your mind to something there's little you can't achieve. So, in the legacy of the link between your ruler, Venus, and Saturn, you need to think about what you're trying to do. You don't want to waste this opportunity. Yes, someone has made a mistake. But do you need to go the effort of pointing out what they could have done better? Rather than focusing on the past, set your mind to the future. If you think about your goals and how you might realise them, you can take an important step on the road to success today.

Venus and Jupiter are bringing you new energy. Learn More. ( Special Offer 50% off all birth charts, a free personal profile and three free Tarot readings! )

Taurus - Mon May 13, 2024:
When you're involved in a team sport, you need to know which side you're on. If it's taking place on a pitch, you need to know which direction you're playing in. Once that's clear you can focus on other details; like what your role is meant to be, what skills you need, and the qualities of your teammates. The initial assessment process is vital in order to stand a chance of being successful. Today brings revelatory information that enables you to work out a winning strategy. Working collaboratively with someone, you can triumph.

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