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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

cancer Zodiac Sign

Cancer Horoscope

Wed, 15th May 2024
by Oscar Cainer

You don't know what's on my mind right now. And I can't tell what you're thinking. Unless, that is, we focus and try to telepathically communicate. We'd need to try to project our thoughts, and open our minds to receive each other's signals. But even if we tried our hardest, there'd still be room for misunderstanding. Actually, we could be sitting in the same room and we might still talk at cross purposes! With Mercury moving into a new sign today, your insight is super-charged. Use it! Don't jump to hasty conclusions.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Your Cancer forecast for 2024 and Cancer Video for 2024 from Jemima.








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Cancer - Your Weekly Horoscope: "To err is human, and to forgive is divine." So, if you're going to move on from a difficult situation (which you don't feel you created) are you going to need to summon up some superpowers? Luckily, you're a sensitive Cancerian. Yet your natural compassion doesn't always seem to work in your favour. Sometimes, other people take advantage of your kindness. And that's when resentment can creep in. If you want to use your strengths to their best abilities this week, you need to be willing to let go. Forgiveness is key.

Cancer - Your May Monthly Horoscope: Life is full of unsolvable mysteries. We know this - and our coping strategies involve developing the ability to ignore these kinds of perplexing paradoxes. If we don't dwell on them, or pretend they don't exist, we feel more in control of our lives. If there's uncertainty in your world this month, try being comfortable within it. Just because you're unsure about the path ahead doesn't mean that it's not taking you to a delightful destination. Trust in the goodness of the cosmos, because it brings good things your way in May.

Cancer - Yesterday's Forecast:
We don't like not knowing things. But if we had answers to every question, and there were no mysteries left to solve, what would life be like? Those ta-dah moments, which follow times of uncertainty, would be a great loss. So, let's turn our attention to the issue you're struggling to fully comprehend. What's the rush? If you take the pressure off, and allow yourself time to absorb what you already know, things will fall naturally into place. If you're kind and patient with yourself today, you'll make a discovery that will inspire you.

Consult your own personal Astrologer. Daisy can answer questions about your Planets, Houses and Signs and what they signify in your chart now and in the future. Take a free trial and meet Daisy now!

Cancer - Mon May 13, 2024:
We don't find it easy to be straightforward. There are lots of reasons for this. We might be worried about being judged. Or fearful that people won't like what we want to say. And sometimes, we think we're being clear, but whoever we're talking to has other things on their mind and isn't properly processing what we're saying. For all sorts of reasons, you're dealing with a miscommunication issue. It's challenging because you've got a decision to make. And you need the facts. Ask clear questions today. You'll figure out what to do.

Cancer - Sun May 12, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We think of wise people as being able to demonstrate self-restraint. Yet there are times when running with our emotions is the best thing to do. Similarly, allowing ourselves to unleash our enthusiasm can be smart. You don't need to over-analyse your emotional responses this week. It's much more important to listen to your heart. If you're clear, courageous, and honest enough to honour your deepest feelings, the support you find will surprise you. You might even find them being reciprocated, in a delightful way.

Reveal the astrological secrets of your future, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Cancer - Sat May 11, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: "To err is human, and to forgive is divine." So, if you're going to move on from a difficult situation (which you don't feel you created) are you going to need to summon up some superpowers? Luckily, you're a sensitive Cancerian. Yet your natural compassion doesn't always seem to work in your favour. Sometimes, other people take advantage of your kindness. And that's when resentment can creep in. If you want to use your strengths to their best abilities this week, you need to be willing to let go. Forgiveness is key.

Cancer - Fri May 10, 2024:
Most people enjoy pizza. Most people like watching entertaining TV as a way of relaxing. But just because lots of us do the same things doesn't necessarily mean these things are good things to do. When it comes to preferences, there's no right or wrong way to be. And doing what everyone else is doing (just because they're doing it) doesn't nurture individuality. Don't feel obliged to follow the crowd this weekend. The Mars/Uranus link gives you the confidence to (politely) say 'no' to a situation you don't want to get involved in.

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Cancer - Thu May 09, 2024:
Rudyard Kipling's most famous poem 'If' talks about the importance of being able to 'keep your head when all around are losing theirs'. It's a skill you can put to good use today. The legacy of the New Moon enhances your perspective and enables you to see a way round a problem which is causing other folk a lot of stress. So, if you find yourself surrounded by people who are making a lot of fuss, don't panic. If you feel as if you're being pulled in, resist. By taking a step back from a drama, you'll find a way to work around it.

Cancer: - Wed May 08, 2024:
Gandhi was an amazingly effective activist. In all aspects of his world, he endeavoured to set a good example. Importantly, he did this with his opponents too. Even when they resorted to violence, he followed a peaceful path. Are 'normal' human beings like us capable of being Gandhi-like? We can try! The New Moon shines its light on a door of opportunity. If you approach it, and make it your intention to share your best self with whoever/whatever comes your way, the advantage you gain will benefit you, and other people too.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Cancer - Tue May 07, 2024:
You can, if you choose, let other people tell you what to prioritise and which path it's best to follow. You won't be short of advice. Everyone will have a theory; and some of their arguments will be very persuasive. So be wary. You're listening more intently than you should. Just because someone has experience and seems to be an 'expert' doesn't mean they're right. The coming New Moon opens the doorway to a new resource. Once it's appeared you'll be in a much better position to make the right choice.

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