Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts
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Your Thoughts on Iraq
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On Friday 7th March, the Thought for the Day published the following: an email criticising Jon's stance on the proposed war with Iraq, and his reply with an accompanying cartoon. This provoked a huge response from readers with over a 1,000 emails received to date. Below is a 'snapshot' of some the emails received.

It IS easier to make fun of things you don't understand.. and I am sure that is why you chose to misinterpret what Joyce was trying to say in her email. She DID NOT say Saddam attacked our country.. She said you do not know Saddam AND your country has not recently been under attack! In times such as we are living it is important to respect other's opinions, even when they vary so far from our own. Pity you couldn't give Joyce the respect she deserved instead of making a joke.
  Proud to be an American!

Hi Jonathan,
I'd like to respond to "Joyce" who says that she will never visit your website again because of your anti-war stance. Well, it is YOUR web page and you can say whatever you darned well please! It is a shame she will miss all of your future insights. I do happen to side with you on this one: war is not the answer. It never is. I think it would take too much courage for President Bush to go the peaceful route. Am I worried about Saddam building up weapons of mass destruction? Sure. But not as worried as I am about North Korea building NUCLEAR weapons. They've been far more provocative than Saddam as of late and I would concern myself with calming them down rather than chasing shadows in the sands of Iraq. As a wise person once said "you have to learn to pick your battles." Well, Bush is picking wrong, IMO. Don't get me wrong, I do support our troops. But I'd also like to see them ALL come home alive... Thanks for your time (and your forecasts! :)

Dear John,
It�s interesting - I just saw a German TV program, which reported that most Americans (through TV and press) are made think that Saddam Hussein is behind the acts of terror on 11th September. Thus I liked your comment on Joyce�s mail very much. How can it be that a big nation like America can be brainwashed so much that only few Americans tend to know what this may-be-war will only be about: oil. In another German program an (informed) American woman said: This oil belongs to the Iraqis. No one should be allowed to just walk into the country and claim it for themselves. Don�t get me wrong: I really do not like Saddam Hussein. But has anybody read reports how Iraq has been run down, how its people have suffered and lots of people especially children and women have died (and are still) because of malnutrition an lack of medical health care through the years-long EMBARGO? Why does America not want go to war with North-Korea? They really have an atomic bomb and NOBODY does really know what�s going on there: but, well - they have no oil. Lucky they are in a way. Aren�t they?  Kind regards. C.

I agree with Joyce who sent you the email about your antiwar propaganda on your website. I live in the UK and was born and bred here, but I am so sick of the way people in this country get on to bandwagons. Just like a bunch of lemmings. Jonathan, did you predict there would be no war - do you have a vested interest in no war? Saddam Hussein may not have knocked down the twin towers, but if he wasn't such a nasty coward he would probably have done so. I've lived through some nasty horrors myself and I don't want to see anyone killed, but this man is just playing games with the inspectors. Why wasn't all this stuff which has now suddenly been "found" revealed in the first place? How much more is there which will come to light. I don't care if I become Tony Blair's only supporter, I believe he's doing the right thing and people like you shouldn't foist your beliefs onto people who just want to read their horoscopes.

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