Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

2007 The Comet of Destiny
Your Love Life
Your Wealth

(Mar 21 - Apr 20)

What's that up in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Actually it's comet McNaught... but in symbolic terms, it might as well be a caped superhero, racing to your rescue.

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, opportunity and positive possibility, is soaring into the sector of your sky that governs the ability to rise higher than you've ever been before. The comet, as it visits Earth from deep and distant space, speaks of you gaining insights into your own 'inner space' that you have never had before. And to triple underline the point, this week's conjunction of Mars and Pluto on the 'Galactic Centre' insists that your year is about to get off to a dramatic start... and then become even more exciting. There will be moments when you have good reason to believe that nothing is impossible in 2007. Some things will, of course, remain irritatingly unattainable. Without frustration, elation has no meaning. But if anything is remotely attainable, you'll find a way to get it... and you'll also find, over the coming months, that you have no need to be afraid of anything or anyone.

You're in the midst of a process of evolution. Your current psychological stumbling block is going to be moved. Instead of tripping over it, you will find new ways to express yourself, to understand yourself and thus to vastly improve your relationships with others. And all this, as I shall explain later in this series, bodes well for your love life and your financial prospects.

A mysterious force in distant space makes our entire solar system rotate. Pluto now aligns with that 'Galactic Centre'. Meanwhile, a bright comet has appeared. 2007 will be a stunning year. Here's what it means for your love life.

The strange and sudden appearance of Comet McNaught has a clear and blunt message for you. It is time to think again about who you truly are and what you really deserve. Rethink that... and others will rethink who you are in their eyes. This will make an enormous difference at many levels. Though you're normally very immediate and direct, you tend to be less assertive when challenges arise in your emotional life. You can feel inclined to leave matters in the hope that they will sort themselves out. That's wise. Often, the more you probe a potential problem, the more you cause a distant possibility to become a reality.

In 2007, though, the big theme is 'moving on' and you simply can't do that if you are stuck in the stuff that has been keeping you in a quagmire. You need to be clear. Kind, sensitive, forgiving and diplomatic too... but sure, inside of what works and what doesn't. Never mind whose fault the frustrations are... just work on being ready to move into a phase where there's more joy, more communication and more magic. As long as you are ready to welcome it, it will make its way to you. Existing family bonds will strengthen and deepen. New connections will touch your heart and inspire your mind.

What needs to be different will become different without you having to do very much more than be honest with yourself and with the people around you! And what needs to stay the same... will do!

During the course of the coming year there will be moments when you feel you've been granted superhuman perspective. A fire of enthusiasm will burn in the back of your mind, as bright as any comet. It will help you see how much in your life is irrelevant; distracting and interesting but ultimately a part of what you don't need, not of what you do. This clarity will help enormously when it comes to making the right financial choices and decisions. You simply can't do things just because they make good financial sense. You've got to be motivated by morality, excited by a goal, a vision or an ambition that sets your heart on fire. If you dedicate 2007 to doing what you're good at and/or what feels good to you, somehow the planets will keep you fed and watered.

Keep resentment at bay. Don't dwell on apparent mistakes or 'wastes of time'. You don't know what the true story of the past was. You can only see it from one perspective now... and that's a slightly warped one that will change again before long. Meanwhile, trust that your heart is on the right track... or that if you give it a chance to guide you it will find that right track and lead you to it. As long as you're working in tune with the deepest part of your inner self, you'll be in tune with the universe too. And it will take very good care of all your earthly needs!

Your 2007 Year Ahead Chart.
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