Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

2007 The Comet of Destiny
Your Love Life
Your Wealth

(Jul 24 - Aug 23)

That rare and wondrous comet, so low on the horizon each dusk and dawn, is now passing through the sector of your sky that governs duty and obligation, self-sacrifice, self-discipline and selflessness. You think that sounds daunting? Er... what has your life been full of lately? How much ground have you had to give, how many compromises have you had to make, how hard have you had to push yourself? You think that can get any worse? Exactly!

The comet is not there to bring you more of this. It is there to put an end to it. Or rather (because life never goes our own way all the time and if it did, we'd soon be bored) the comet is going to dramatically reduce the extent to which you have to worry and hurry on behalf of others.

It's also going to clear up a concern about some issue involving your health. It's going to bring purpose, clarity, direction, determination, a clear, practical plan for the future... plus a far greater sense of self-esteem. Confidence, is a quality more valuable than money and, superficially at least, more gratifying than love. When you've got it, you don't feel you need anything else. And, ironically, when you feel that way, you far more quickly get whatever else you require.

In 2007 - as I shall explain during this series - a big positive change brings you that confidence, even in the one area of life where for too long it has been sorely lacking.

A mysterious force in distant space makes our entire solar system rotate. Pluto now aligns with that 'Galactic Centre'. Meanwhile, a bright comet has appeared. 2007 will be a stunning year. Here's what it means for your love life.

Life often seems like one long soap opera. At least, though, when we're watching TV, we can change channels. Our personal dramas don't normally offer that option. Or do they? Saturn, as it slowly prepares to move out of Leo towards the end of the year, offers you a real ability to choose what you get involved in, what matters to you, how much you allow it to matter, which direction you go in and who you go there with. You should end the year feeling more like someone who knows what's needed and how to give this the best possible chance of happening.

Comet McNaught insists the great soap opera of your life is about to take you to the point where you finally resolve a nagging question about your past and your potential future in the realm of love and partnership. Soon, you'll reach a position where you have no choice other than to be very honest with yourself about what means what to you. You'll have to ask if you are prepared to live according to 'how things really feel' as opposed to ' how you think they ought to feel' If that sounds intense, well, all soap operas are. But it will also be cathartic.

Something amazing is about to be released within you,. As you begin to be the person you were always born to be, it's inevitable that you will also know, discover or be reminded of the person that you were always born to be with!

There's a period between June and October when an exceptional set of celestial circumstances enable you to catch up with ambitions, aspirations, hopes and dreams which you've entertained for so long that they're no longer entertaining. They irritate you and upset you because they just make you think, 'Oh, that's one more thing that will probably never really happen to me in my life.' You'll be surprised, in 2007, by what you gain power over. Your creativity, your ability to generate wealth, your ability too, to make people like you and respond well to you, all increase significantly. You'll be surprised too, by the way in which it seems as if you have, not quite a magic wand to wave - but, at least, some enhanced, almost spooky ability to say, 'No. I want less of that and want more of this...' and then have your wish granted within weeks.

A bright new comet starts the year in the part of your chart that governs 'duty'. There is a strong suggestion that soon you'll be freed from a responsibility that has long eaten up much of your time, energy and money. A historic alignment of Pluto with the Galactic Centre is, in your life, a promise of new creative inspiration. Soon, there will be fresh enthusiasm surging through you as you start to apply brilliant and successful solutions to many of the old problems and difficulties that accompany the effort to make ends meet. They'll not just meet in the middle in 2007. They'll end up very pleasingly overlapping!

Your 2007 Year Ahead Chart.
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