5 Star
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Online Chart FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

General Questions

a) What is GMT?

b) How do I find my place of birth?

c) I have ordered my chart, where is it? what do I do next?

d) I have tried everything and still have problems.

Specific questions

1) I just ordered a chart from you and the only thing in it is the first page. Can you please send the entire file.

2) I clicked on the black triangle and it moves me to a page with two big astrological symbols on it!

3) The Netbanx payment page instantly cancels my order after I have tried a few times.  Why?.

4) After filling the place of birth (town) and pressing the button (All finished? Let's make a chart) I am asked to fill up "please enter place of birth" I am assuming that it is in the field below (the button) However, when I tried to fill up that field, a window tells me that it is being filled automatically. Am i missing something?

7) I would like to get an online chart done, however, I have no credit card. What other payment options do you offer?

8) .I have one query - my time of birth is 09:34 hrs, Cork City, Ireland,  (GMT) however on my Personal Chart the GMT time is listed as 08:34 hrs., even though my birth time is correctly  listed as 09:34hrs.

9) I wanted to order my horoscope, but the moment I clicked the button "lets get started", I got a description instead of the payment page. using the "back" button, the form I just filled in is empty again.

10) I was born in the city of Montreal, Province of Quebec, country of Canada and cannot find it in the

11)  Do I enter my time of birth in my local time zone or convert it to GMT?

General Answers

a) GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time and is the time at any given moment in Greenwich, England. All Astronomical and Astrologcal calculations are done using this time and so we convert your time of birth into GMT before calculating the positions of the planets. Converting your time means taking account fo your Time Zone and any Daylight Savings Time that was in effect when your were born.

 Only enter the name of the town or city itself, do NOT enter something like London, England or Delhi, India. If the town cannot be found try again entering just the first 3 letters of the name, it may be that the name of your place of birth contains non-standard english letters like é for instance.

If no pop-up window with a list of places appears it is either due to:
i) The window containing the list has popped up 'under' your current browser window, in which case minimise your browser and see if it is there. If it is, select a place and the window will disappear. Then simply bring the original window back up and you should see the place filkled in at the bottom of the page.
ii) You have active scripting/javascript disabled.
You must have 'Active Scripting' or 'Javscript' enabled in your browser to use this site. To enable Active scripting in Internet Explorer;
Click on 'Tools' (on the top toolbar of your browser),
Then 'Internet Options'
Select the 'Security' tab
Highlight the 'Internet' Zone.
Then click on 'Custom Level'
Find the 'Scripting/Active Scripting' heading.
Click on 'enable' and then 'OK'.
You will then be asked for confirmation.
Click on 'Yes' and then 'OK'.

c) You should have received an email telling you where to pick up your chart, if you have paid and not received an email, then Email [email protected]

Specific Answers

Click on the little black triangle at the top of the page (the one without the bar next to it) to advance a page at a time through your horoscope.

2)  Make sure your are not clickng the rightmost triangle with the bar next to it. That takes you to the end of the chart.

3)  The security mechanisms inplemented by Netbanx mean that it will only let you try to submit your credit card details 3 times before it locks you out. This is to prevent hackers using software to automatically try credit card numbers. Wait a few minutes and try again.

4)  It is the field that says Enter your town of birth (not country... etc)

7) . I'm sorry but we dont offer any alternative method for payment for online charts at the moment, Although that may change in the future. You can though buy the fuller mail-out version to receive via post. This can take up to 28 days to deliver. For details of chart types available and how to pay by cheque/money order, click on the link in the left hand frame: Order a Personal Horoscope Chart

8) Your local time of birth is always adjusted to GMT before calculating your chart. This done by taking account of your Time Zone and also any Daylight Savings time.

9) You need to click the 'continue to payment page' button. The clearing of the form is done by your browser and is dependent on the security settings.

10) The spelling of Montreal in our db uses the acute accent on the e, simply put in 'Montr' in the search field and it will come up.

11)  Enter in your local time - our database will convert to GMT.

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