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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Some commonly asked questions and links to the answers

  1. Chart FAQs
  2. Studying Astrology
  3. Sun Sign FAQs
  4. I need some help with my 5 Star personal prediction subscription/free trial: 5 Star Forecast FAQs
  5. Is there a 13th zodiac sign? Ophiuchus - the 13th Sign?
  6. I was born on the cusp and am not sure which sign I belong to - What's my sign?
    If you have any difficulties email Michele along with the place, date and time (if known) of birth
  7. I would like to study astrology further - how do I go about it? - How to study astrology
  8. I have set this site as my browsers default home page - how do I change this to something else? Alter browsers default homepage
  9. What does my sign mean? Truth about my sign
  10. What is my friend like? Love & Friendship
  11. What is my child like? About Your Child

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