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New / Full Moons: New 2nd Oct in Libra Full 17th Oct in Aries New 1st Nov in Scorpio
Confidence is important. But sometimes it's hard to know whether genuine optimism or wishful thinking is driving us onwards. As Saturn and Uranus realign, once-clever solutions might produce more questions than answers. They say that 'the first to innovate, is the first to go out-of-date', yet today our approach can reflect a new reality. This weekend, the Celestial Archer helps us identify creative ways to invest energy. Success awaits.
As we approach the end of this month,we have just had a supermoon, the Harvest Moon, gracing our skies. also featuring a partial lunar eclipse, often referred to as a "blood moon." This special event illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation as we now head towards the equinox on September 22nd. Celebrate this inspirational time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.
Daily Planets (19 09 24): Moon in Aries Sun ( 27° Virgo) Trine Uranus (27° Taurus ) at 14:04 UTC Moon Phase: Full
We feel uncomfortable when we don't know the answer to a question. So we make something up. We try to work out what we're expected to say, and give that as a response. Or we decide what the wrong answer is, and say something that we think is the opposite. This happens when we're filling in forms and in real life conversations. But when it comes to relationships, this kind of worry-based dialogue is never helpful. This weekend, by being honest about what you don't know you'll deepen a connection in a special way.
The Supermoon was the perfect time to pause and reflect on the changes happening both in the heavens and in your own life. Learn more...
Suppose you're in London and you want to get to Paris. Easy peasy. Just get on a flight to JFK and change for The Bahamas. From there to Sydney. And from there, via Bangkok and Dakar, to the City of Love. Voila! There are, of course, more straightforward ways of making the journey that are faster and more environmentally friendly. But this crazy itinerary is an example of the complicated routes we sometimes take in our own lives to get from A to B. Your current mission is important. Don't get sidetracked this weekend.
Every day is different. And every opportunity holds a plethora of possibilities. Sometimes, sudden changes alter our way of looking at our life; they present us with offerings that need to be seized and immediately acted upon. You'd like more information about the choice you face. You don't feel as if you've got enough information to make a decision. This weekend brings the insight you need. It involves having more faith in yourself. You deserve to feel secure and supported. And if you believe that, you'll know what to do.
This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.
With so many demands on your time, there aren't enough hours in the day. With so many people needing your attention, how can you possibly help them all? With so many problems needing solving, your resources are stretched to the max. So, if you can't do everything, is there any point in doing anything? Yes! This weekend, you can make a difference. By doing your best you'll have greater impact than you think. Stop worrying about what to focus on and get going. With enthusiasm, you can be a force for positive change.
The Supermoon was the perfect time to pause and reflect on the changes happening both in the heavens and in your own life. Learn more...
There's a scene in a Monty Python film where a large man goes to a restaurant and enjoys a feast of a meal. When he's finished and satiated, the waiter encourages him to enjoy one more tiny, delicious treat. Unable to resist the temptation, he indulges in another mouthful - with disastrous (but funny) consequences. With so much on your plate this weekend, you're reaching your limit. But if you take your time (and refuse to take on any extras), you'll find the space to manage everything. And find ways to savour whatever unfolds.
When an agenda has been set and we know what we're doing, whether (or not) we like our role, there's a sense of security. Having room to manoeuvre makes us feel insecure. Just as nature abhors a vacuum, when there's a space, we want to fill it. But how do we know what to fill it with? Although you're not short of things to do, in an ideal world, you'd find a way of feeling at ease with the spaciousness this weekend brings. It's a chance for something new to unfold. You can rediscover a passion or an interest you've set aside.
This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.
The problem with machines is that they can malfunction. Whether it's a dishwasher, a car, or a computer, occasionally, faults emerge which need fixing. There are times when we can figure out a way to make them work. And there are times when we need to get help. People can be similarly erratic; they don't always 'work' in the way we expect. Don't ignore someone's out-of-character behaviour this weekend. By asking questions and using your listening skills, you can help resolve an issue without seeking expert advice.
The Supermoon was the perfect time to pause and reflect on the changes happening both in the heavens and in your own life. Learn more...
Are you looking forward to the weekend? Or does it feel a bit too full of chores and the usual stuff? If you're feeling tired of repeating the same old things, and need more excitement in your life, you're in luck. The Celestial Archer brings a chance to break out of a situation that's been going round and round in circles. You just need to find the courage to experiment with something different. It's going to require tapping into your imagination. And daring to move out of your comfort zone. But if you do, you'll feel rejuvenated. Perfect.
We don't arrive here with a contract guaranteeing that life on planet Earth will be perfect. Yet, despite the fact that there's no evidence, we all believe in the possibility of living an easy life, in a peaceful world. How ironic that one of the biggest obstacles to feeling OK is the idea that we should be feeling more than OK! This weekend, if you lower your expectations, you'll end up with more (not less). If you take the pressure off, you'll be able to appreciate what unfolds. Good. The Celestial Archer promises opportunities you don't want to miss.
This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.
Although there's a lot going on in your world, things aren't changing the way you'd like them to change. And, since there are alterations to make, you're feeling understandably frustrated. Yet things are shifting. And you don't need to change as much as you think. The impact of your ruler's link with Uranus brings proof that you're having more influence on a person (or a situation) than you're aware of. This weekend, a minor tweak can have a significant effect. Good judgement (and patience) hold the key to a potential transformation.
Suppose you're tired? If I have an early night and wake up refreshed, will that make you feel more energised? It might sound like an illogical idea, but it's not without its merits. I could take some of the load off your shoulders. Which would give you time to recuperate. Although you can't change someone else, if you change the right thing in yourself, you'll feel much more enthused about your prospects. By lowering your expectations of other people's energy levels, and focusing on your own, this weekend can be very successful.
The Supermoon was the perfect time to pause and reflect on the changes happening both in the heavens and in your own life. Learn more...
Even the best therapists in the world can't always help us understand why we feel what we feel. Or explain why we're behaving in a certain way. But they offer insight and help us be more aware of unconscious patterns. And when we recognise something about ourselves, we can instigate change. You don't have to make allowances for anyone this weekend. Nor do you need to explain yourself. But by making the effort to reach better, deeper understanding, you can find an exciting way to collaborate with someone.