New / Full Moons: New 29th Jan in Aquarius Full 12th Feb in Leo New 28th Feb in Pisces
The start of 2025 has seen lots of celestial changes taking place; three of the inner planets have already moved into new sectors of the sky. Meanwhile, here on planet Earth, with so much to be uncertain about, some stability and calm would be helpful! This week, with the New Moon in the visionary sign of Aquarius, the cosmos brings the opportunity to approach future hopes and plans with a pragmatic attitude. By taking a realistic look at our dreams, tangible possibilities that can be actioned will emerge.
Is your future set in stone? Or can you mould it, like clay, to create a new world that you really want to live in? The ancients believed that a horoscope was a key that open the locked door of a "sealed fate" into an open book of inspiring possibilities. Gain the power of cosmic insight... and the knowledge to time each choice you make with pinpoint precision. Allow us to calculate your 'Guide to the Future 2025' and prepare a reading, personal to you alone, containing all the crucial dates and moments, over the coming 12 months, when you will have the greatest power to write, or rewrite, the story of your life. (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Daniel Cainer, and Ziggy Stardog and are back with your JANUARY 2025 Astrology Song. Enjoy some spookily accurate suggestions for the month in a musical nutshell from a multi-award-winning songwriter and a cute sausage dog.
Daily Planets (24 01 25): Moon Enters Sagittarius at 04:28 UTC No major planetary aspects today
Your Weekly Horoscope: There's something about clearly stating our views that makes us feel good. When we nail our colours to a mast, it enhances our sense of self. In life's ocean of uncertainty, it provides us with an anchor that holds us steady. Yet no one can stay fixed in one place forever. Since we need to be able to move with the tides of change, there comes a time when our anchor has to be raised. Just because you once believed in something doesn't mean you can't change your mind. If you reassess this week, you'll discover an exciting new option.
Simply enter your birth details and receive a spookily accurate and completely personal 2025 'Guide to the Future' made just for you. (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Your Weekly Horoscope: On a visit to your local park, it's not unusual to see grown-ups running behind kids who are learning to ride a bike. Those first attempts often end up with minor bumps and bruises; the transition from three-wheels to two is challenging. But there comes a moment when the learner finds their balance and they're off! It's a skill they'll never forget. This week, you'll realise you've been relying on something you no longer need. Just because it's disappeared doesn't mean you can't cope. You can move forwards with newfound freedom.
So, what does 2025 have in store for you? Will you get what you've been longing for? Will there be a change for the better? Find out in your 2025 Guide to the Future. Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Your Weekly Horoscope: Hindsight. If only we had access to it when we make decisions in the here and now. No more looking back, with the awareness gained by experience, with a sense of regret. But that's not the way life on this ball of rock works. And what's gone before (the good bits and the bad) are what makes you 'you'. There's no point thinking about the way things might have been. This week, you can't do anything about the past, but you can do something about the present. The New Moon enables you to turn your attention to now - with great effect.
It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Your Weekly Horoscope: Neuroscientists have identified reward centres in our brains. Certain pleasurable experiences trigger the release of chemicals like dopamine, which action these areas and make us feel good. There are probably lots of pharmaceutical companies who'd like to create a tablet that produces the same effect! The good news, is that this week, you've got access to celestial support that enables you to tap into your inner happiness. With your ruler, the Moon, new in innovative Aquarius, you can use your creativity to implement positive changes.
It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Your Weekly Horoscope: Being sensitive to other people's needs and emotions doesn't make your life easy. Sometimes, their moods and feelings get so entangled with yours that you end up focusing on their problems... and if you're not careful, you stop taking care of your own. This week, it's important to step back and take a look at what's going on in your world. If you look within your heart, you'll be able to assess what you need to prioritise. With the New Moon in visionary Aquarius, you can identify (and meet) an important need. Yay!
Simply enter your birth details and receive a spookily accurate and completely personal 2025 'Guide to the Future' made just for you. (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Your Weekly Horoscope: Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Rather than looking ahead into the distance, try focusing on each step you're taking. Take time to remember why you embarked on this specific route. Just because there are obstacles popping up (some of which look daunting), doesn't mean you're heading in the wrong direction. Quite the opposite. The reality is never the same as the concept. It's the difference between looking at a train timetable and being on board the train. It takes more effort - but it's more productive. And satisfying.
So, what does 2025 have in store for you? Will you get what you've been longing for? Will there be a change for the better? Find out in your 2025 Guide to the Future. Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Your Weekly Horoscope: While we might hope that there will, one day, be peace on Earth, we can't help but wonder when the ancient prophecy will come true. Unless you happen to love having something to moan about, it feels like a distant dream. But humans are a strange bunch. If we didn't ever disagree with one another, we'd get bored! If we all wanted the same person to be president, or to win a reality TV show, what would we talk about?! Yet you can instill a sense of harmony this week. You just need to find out what everyone really wants. It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Your Weekly Horoscope: The self-replenishing magic porridge pot in the fairytale needed a couple of ingredients in order to produce anything worth eating. If it didn't have any milk or water, those dried oats would be hard to digest! Similarly, a constant supply of gold coins wouldn't have any value unless they could be used to purchase things that brought us (and others) happiness. This New Moon week, as long as you look for ways to make the most of what you've got, you'll be able to appreciate the gifts you're receiving. Share them, and you'll spread joy. It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Your Weekly Horoscope: If there's a problem who should take the blame? Surely, there's always someone who can be held accountable? But before we start pointing fingers at other people, it's worth taking a moment to look beyond the 'issue'. If we're determined, we can always find something good that's also taking place. This week, it might be easy to focus on what's 'not right'. But if you allow time to pass, something difficult will turn out to hold surprising, positive consequences. A delicate situation, and someone's role in it, are different to how they seem. Simply enter your birth details and receive a spookily accurate and completely personal 2025 'Guide to the Future' made just for you. (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Your Weekly Horoscope: The clarity you seek is proving frustratingly hard to find. The more you think about the issue that's dominating your thoughts, the more you need to consider. And the inability to move this situation onwards is preventing you from dealing with other, more enjoyable aspects of your life. Aargh! You can't just ignore it... can you? Well... although you need to keep an eye on a drama that's unfolding, try not to identify with it. Under this week's New Moon, surprising developments will affect the outcome, in a way that suits you nicely.
Your Weekly Horoscope: Aquarians are sometimes said to be logically-minded and unemotional. But that's not true. Actually, your ability to think deeply about everything, plus your legendary visionary powers means you often hide your feelings. Although you might like the idea of being able to separate them from your thoughts, it's impossible. Which means that despite yourself, you sometimes can't help revealing your vulnerability. This week, with the New Moon in your sign, don't worry about presenting a composed front. It's safe to share how you feel. So, what does 2025 have in store for you? Will you get what you've been longing for? Will there be a change for the better? Find out in your 2025 Guide to the Future. Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Your Weekly Horoscope: You're a Piscean ruled by Neptune, the god of the oceans. Of course you want your life to flow smoothly along. So, why are there so many obstacles to navigate around? Why do you find yourself having to swim against the tide? Although it sometimes seems as if you're always having to deal with challenges, you're here for something bigger, brighter, and better. Even though you face a dilemma this New Moon week, there's a choice you can make. If you embrace the light and shun the dark, you'll sail smoothly past a problem. It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)