New / Full Moons: New 28th Feb in Pisces Full 14th Mar in Virgo New 29th Mar in Aries
Welcome to the Pisces season! This week, Mercury (communication and ideas), which is just settling into this sensitive, creative zodiac sign, is being joined by the Sun. By tapping into the power of our imaginations, we can access resources and channel our ideas into inspiring plans. Whether it's a spiritual adventure, or a more pragmatic project, qualities such as compassion and empathy are key to finding support. Guided by our intuition, together, we can start turning dreams into reality.
Do you want to know the secrets of the future? You can find out, right now, what's ahead for you. Just download a personal chart based on your exact date, time and place of birth. You'll find in-depth predictions for every week of the coming year - plus an overview of all your biggest astrological opportunities. Be ready for your chances and your challenges! To order your 2025 Year Ahead Guide, click here.
Daniel Cainer and The Stardogs and are back with your FEBRUARY 2025 Astrology Song. Enjoy some spookily accurate suggestions for the month in a musical nutshell from a multi-award-winning songwriter and two cute sausage dogs.
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: When you were a kid, what did you think you'd do when you were grown up? We base those ideas on the people, films, and stories that influence us. From princes and princesses to astronauts and explorers, our dreams change as the reality of life kicks in. We settle for more pragmatic, achievable goals - and often (hopefully) find deep satisfaction in things our childish imaginations could never conceive of. But a long-held flame can still flicker. This week brings a chance to rekindle an old aspiration. This time, it's possible.
Need a cosmic guide through the mountainous landscapes of 2025, helping you to navigate the valleys and ascend the peaks? Find out how to make the most of what promises to be a tumultuous year with your personal and unique Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now!
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Our spinning ball of rock travels around the Sun. Like other celestial bodies, it moves in a cyclical motion. Meanwhile, our lives experience ups and downs. Everything has positives and negatives. Even going on holiday to an ideal destination involves a complicated process of travelling; there's always hustle and bustle before calm. Whether you're experiencing physical or psychological discomfort, the cosmic message is clear. You're moving into a relaxing phase. Your recent journey hasn't been easy, but it's been worthwhile.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how - Download yours now...
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You can be very hard on yourself. You rarely (if ever) think that you've done your very best. So, the news for you this week is very encouraging. With the Sun joining your ruler, Mercury, in sensitive Pisces, you've got no choice but to go easy on yourself. You're being offered the chance to take a break from pressures that have been making your life challenging. You're about to access the resources you need to be able to focus on fulfilling promises you've made to yourself. If you're ready to realise your potential, delights await.
Take advantage of your own cosmic GPS to plan your voyage through 2025, illuminating your path ahead. Download your 2025 Guide to the Future Now!
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Because you're a sensitive soul, you sometimes worry about what people might be saying behind your back. Right now, you're concerned that someone's made assumptions and is underestimating the hard work you've been putting into sorting out a difficult situation. So, you've got two choices: you can keep worrying about something that might (or might not) be going on, and allow it to affect your enthusiasm. Or, you can trust that your actions will speak louder than any words that might be flying around. You know what to do.
A magnificent planetary line-up in 2025 isn't just a light show in the heavens - it's your personal invitation to step into a year where possibility sparkles at every turn. Download your 2025 Guide to the Future Now!
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We all use items and objects for jobs they weren't originally intended for. A vase acting as a bookend. A chair functioning as a doorstop. In our emotional worlds too, odd practices become habits. Although your current routine is workable, it's not quite as you'd hoped/expected it would be. It's time for a spring clean! And with your ruler, the Sun, joining Mercury (planet of intellect and communication) in Pisces, it's the perfect time to get the metaphorical duster out. You can freshen up a relationship dynamic this week.
Need a cosmic guide through the mountainous landscapes of 2025, helping you to navigate the valleys and ascend the peaks? Find out how to make the most of what promises to be a tumultuous year with your personal and unique Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now!
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: The Sun's arrival in your opposite sign enhances the influence of your ruler, Mercury. With both these planets in sensitive Pisces, your emotional life will be filled with more sparkle. The best way to benefit from this energy is to take a good look at something you've already got. It's so easy to take the gifts we've been given for granted. Yes, there's something you want right now. But you don't need to look far to find it. To manifest the change you desire, start by looking inwards. You'll find the key you need to start manifesting a dream.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how - Download yours now...
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Your ability to find yourself in the right place, at the right time is enviable. It's not that you're always capable of being 'in the flow'. But your natural adaptability means that you're open to serendipitous moments, and able to appreciate them when they arrive. This week, you're in a unique position to help someone who's dealing with a problematic situation. Even though you're not aware of all the details, your strength lies in your empathy. If you're guided by your heart, as an extra bonus, you'll get insight into a problem of your own. Take advantage of your own cosmic GPS to plan your voyage through 2025, illuminating your path ahead. Download your 2025 Guide to the Future Now!
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: No matter what we're doing or where we're going, there's always lots of potential for things to go wrong. From crossing the road to peeling vegetables, we face daily dangers. But if we were to equip ourselves with every item of safety gear, we'd be so weighted down that accidents would be more likely to happen! Similarly, relationships always contain an element of emotional risk. But we can't protect ourselves by erecting a system of defence mechanisms. To maximise an opportunity this week, let go of a worry. Relax. A magnificent planetary line-up in 2025 isn't just a light show in the heavens - it's your personal invitation to step into a year where possibility sparkles at every turn. Download your 2025 Guide to the Future Now!
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Of course, we have to pay attention to what other people think about us. We need occasional reality checks, and critiques; they help us to fit in with our peers and associates, and cultivate better relationships. But we also have to be able to make our own decisions without being influenced by other people's agendas. And when we overthink how others are judging us, we can easily lose our sense of perspective. This week, with both the Sun and Mercury in insightful Pisces, you can make a key decision... with confidence. Need a cosmic guide through the mountainous landscapes of 2025, helping you to navigate the valleys and ascend the peaks? Find out how to make the most of what promises to be a tumultuous year with your personal and unique Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now!
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: This week, with the Sun moving into Pisces, where it joins Mercury, planet of intellect and ideas, a situation that's been absorbing too much of your time and energy will start to improve. Yay! Which doesn't mean that the problem is over and done with. But things will be easier. Since this is likely to involve a relationship issue, does that mean that your love life is about to get better? Why not?! With greater clarity about what you need and want, you'll have greater insight into what to do to manifest it. There's real reason to hope.
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Obviously, a hairdresser's job is to cut and style hair. But that's only part of the story. We all feel good when we've been well coiffed; but it's the conversations that take place which help boost our mood. Walking into a salon is part of the process. We can indulge in celeb gossipy magazines, relax, and let go of our responsibilities. It's pamper time. And we don't give ourselves enough of that. This week, as the Sun moves on from your sign, it offers you a chance to make space for yourself. It's time to be indulgent. You deserve it. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how - Download yours now...
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: With the Sun joining Mercury (communication and ideas) in your sign, there's one thing to remember this week; try not to allow yourself to be distracted! This is a chance to recharge your hopes and dreams and take steps towards manifesting them. To take advantage of this celestial gift, you need to devote time to considering your own needs (rather than everyone else's). You'll find it surprisingly easy to be single-minded. And with renewed focus, a path forwards, which leads to a destination that makes you happy, will appear. Take advantage of your own cosmic GPS to plan your voyage through 2025, illuminating your path ahead. Download your 2025 Guide to the Future Now!