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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer
Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Gemini - "Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse

Zodiac Sign

You are naturally inquisitive and perceptive. But are you asking the right questions? Are you even questioning the right things? Whenever Mercury is retrograde it is easy to become unsure of your path. But what you never need question is your own self-worth. There is no room for uncertainty on that score. Anyone can get things wrong. All plans need adjustment from time to time, and no system is invulnerable to change. What really matters is what we do to address our issues, how we fix the problems we encounter and where we go from there.

The Polar Eclipse takes place as your ruling planet converges with the Sun and Moon in your sign. So, this is not a time to doubt who you are, this is a time to celebrate your strengths and concentrate on what makes you unique. To embrace new ideas and change direction quickly. Though you have mountains to scale, you are not starting from the bottom. With the qualities you possess you are ascending from a high starting point.

This Eclipse encourages you to find a better way to the summit; to see through the mist and understand where the journey can be made shorter, faster and less prone to stumbles. By using what you are now learning as a guide, you'll have all you need to achieve what you set out to do and reach the very top of your own personal mountain.
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