Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecasts

Jonathan Cainer's 2002 Year Ahead Predictions


The longer 2002 goes on, the better it gets for Scorpios. Your trials are ending. Get set to reap the bounty the cosmos can bestow - in career, love and money your cup will run over.

The 2002 predictions are now complete.
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Power for Scorpio
Why do you need to know about the likelihood of obtaining power in 2002? How could you possibly want more than you already have? Don't you realise what an impressive individual you are? Are you not aware that most other people quake in their boots when they see you coming. Even people who allegedly hold superior positions to you find you daunting and intimidating. They go, of course, to great lengths to disguise this, which is why they sometimes take a combative stance towards you.

Ironically, because you sometimes suffer from low self-esteem, you do not always understand this. Unable to believe that someone is acting aggressively towards you out of deference verging on fear, you simply assume that you are being challenged and take umbrage. Your journ ey through 2002 takes you down a road full of wonders. It brings real revelations and causes you to reappraise your relationship with all things - including yourself.

This year you will become much more comfortable about who you are. You will like yourself more. And the more kindly disposed you become towards yourself, the more you will discover that you have power over others - who cannot help be attracted to your more confident demeanour.

Soon, there will be far less conflict based on misunderstanding and far more success based on good communication.

Money for Scorpio
Scorpios traditionally are supposed to be better at handling other people's money than their own. Few folk born under your sign though, ever wind up in the banking business. This is probably because Scorpios are sensitive and spiritual. Though you undoubtedly have many material talents you feel uncomfortable about exploiting these and prefer to keep at a distance from the sordid subject of money. It bursts your bubble. It brings you down. It forces you to focus on frustratingly futile figures.

Why all this fuss about numbers? They are man-made. They mean nothing other than that which we allow them to mean. They distract and divert us from our true purpose on the earth which is, of course, to cultivate an appreciation of the divine. And what, pray tell, is divine about dosh? It is a pity really, that your affinity with finance is so frail for this year the sky looks set to put you in close contact with some surprisingly large sums of money.

Neither let this get to you, nor let it get away from you but do be aware that between September and December this year you stand a better chance of becoming rich than you have ever in your life so far.

Overview for Scorpio
Your year divides neatly into two sections. The first part, till May, can best be described as the difficult half. If you belonged to any other zodiac sign, I would be more diplomatic. Using less colourful language, I would gently hint at the possibility that life might be about to prove trying at times. You though, are a Scorpio. You have not just studied at the school of hard knocks, nor even taught at it. You have set the syllabus and designed the curriculum. You sit on the examining board.

You may not enjoy hard times but you know all there is to know about such times. You are not afraid of them. You have a myriad of mechanisms for coping with them. Chief amongst these is a policy of honesty. Call a spade a spade and then, when it comes time to use the spade, you'll know where it is! You know that, while ignoring a problem may temporarily place you in a cotton wool cocoon which helps maintain the fantasy that nothing is wrong, ultimately it will simply rob you of all control over the situation you face.

Without honesty, how can there be insight? Without insight, how can there be understanding? Without understanding, how can there ever be change for the better? These are questions that the sky will give you reason to ask often between now and May for that is when the big opposition between Saturn and Pluto is due to culminate. This influence began to create intensity back July 2001. Ever since it has caused you to feel almost constantly on edge. Guarded. Defensive. Expectant of challenge or struggle at any moment. From almost any quarter. Though May is sure to bring events and developments that effectively cause you to draw a cut-off line between the past and present... and though that line will never be easy to draw... you'll feel free and relieved afterwards.

Which brings us on to the second part of 2002. Having put you through one of the most punishing periods in living memory, the planets are now about to take you through one of the most delightful eras you have ever encountered. And if you think that's good news for your career, your love life and your ability to spend a fair bit of money with a clear conscience.... you are absolutely right.

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Artwork by Sally Fisher
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