Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Sure, a hairdresser's main gig is cutting and styling hair, but there's more to it than that. We all feel fab after a fresh trim, but it's the chats that really lift our spirits. Stepping into a salon is part of the whole experience. You get to dive into celeb gossip mags, chill out, and forget about your to-do list. It's all about treating yourself, and let's be real, we don't do that enough. This week, as the Sun shifts away from your sign, it's giving you the perfect excuse to carve out some me-time. Go ahead, spoil yourself. You totally deserve it.
Our Valentine's Day gift for you... Get your FREE 'LoveSign' Reading and try the 5 Star Service completely FREE (no payment or credit card required).
Aquarius - Your Weekly Horoscope: Everyone's keen on crafting a strategy that paves the way to success. And of course, having a back-up plan is a must, just in case things don't pan out as anticipated. That's why we often find ourselves overthinking before making a move. But sometimes, overanalysing can lead to confusion. You're great at understanding different perspectives. This week, if you tap into your creative skills and stay open to change, you'll achieve exciting and lasting progress.
Aquarius - Your February Monthly Horoscope: Ever wonder if some things are just destined to happen? And what about the stuff that doesn't seem to fit? Are they just not meant to be? When things click, we don't usually overthink it. We don't stop to consider if they might actually be the wrong move. Even if they come with a few bumps in the road, we often see these as just part of the journey to success. This February, with the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto hanging out in your sign, what feels right, is right. Trust your gut and your good fortune, and this month could be something special.
Aquarius - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Everyone's keen on crafting a strategy that paves the way to success. And of course, having a back-up plan is a must, just in case things don't pan out as anticipated. That's why we often find ourselves overthinking before making a move. But sometimes, overanalysing can lead to confusion. You're great at understanding different perspectives. This week, if you tap into your creative skills and stay open to change, you'll achieve exciting and lasting progress.
Our Valentine's Day gift for you... Get your FREE 'LoveSign' Reading and try the 5 Star Service completely FREE (no payment or credit card required).
Aquarius - Fri Feb 14, 2025:
Many tunes suggest that falling in love is a breeze, while breaking up is a real challenge. This might explain why some relationships end up in a rut, and why others just keep going, even when it's clear the people involved have drifted apart. But hey, it's Valentine's Day! Why dwell on the negatives? With Mercury, the planet of communication, entering Pisces, if you're looking to reignite a spark in a relationship that's lost its shine, you'll have more success than you might imagine. Speaking from the heart will come naturally to you.
Aquarius - Thu Feb 13, 2025:
Imagine you're caught in a web of invisible strings, each one tugging you towards different people and situations. You're being pulled in every direction, leaving you feeling like you're just reacting to everything around you. It's a bit chaotic, isn't it? But don't worry, you're on the brink of understanding what's happening. Thanks to the recent Full Moon, which had a connection with Uranus, your ruling planet, you're about to gain some much-needed clarity. This insight will help you untangle yourself from the mess and give you the space to reclaim your power and make some real changes.
Our Valentine's Day gift for you... Get your FREE 'LoveSign' Reading and try the 5 Star Service completely FREE (no payment or credit card required).
Aquarius - Wed Feb 12, 2025:
With the Full Moon in your opposite sign connecting to your ruler, Uranus, the universe is nudging you to reflect on the rules you're following. Maybe it's time to consider bending or breaking them, but proceed with caution. This doesn't mean doing anything reckless like speeding or endangering yourself or others. Trust your own ethical compass to guide you. Remember, you don't have to be confined by conventional limits today.
Aquarius - Tue Feb 11, 2025:
The psychologist Carl Jung had a life-changing realisation when he noticed a part of him was observing himself. It might not seem groundbreaking, but these moments of self-awareness are key to our personal growth. We think, then we become aware that we're thinking, and in that moment, we see a bit of magic. With the Sun connecting to your ruling planet, Uranus, today, you might experience some inspiring insights.
Our Valentine's Day gift for you... Get your FREE 'LoveSign' Reading and try the 5 Star Service completely FREE (no payment or credit card required).
Aquarius - Mon Feb 10, 2025:
The world feels like it's full of choices that can't coexist. If you pick one thing, you might miss out on another. Head one way, and you can't explore the other path. It makes decision-making tough. But sometimes, these choices unexpectedly work together. Things aren't always as they appear. The connection between Mercury (representing ideas and intellect) and your ruling planet, Uranus, ignites a flash of brilliance that you can use to refresh an old way of thinking. There's more room to manoeuvre than you think.
Aquarius: - Sun Feb 09, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: In your relationship sphere, it's time for a chat. You're hesitating because you think you already know how it's going to go down. But you don't. You're basing this on past experiences and the information you currently have. Once you start the conversation, you'll find there's a lot more happening than you expected. And it's way more positive than you could have imagined. Use the energy of the Full Moon (connected to your ruling planet, Uranus) and speak honestly. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the outcome of this conversation.
Our Valentine's Day gift for you... Get your FREE 'LoveSign' Reading and try the 5 Star Service completely FREE (no payment or credit card required).
Aquarius - Sat Feb 08, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Ever catch yourself pondering what 'normal' folks do with their time? It's not that you're 'not normal'! But let's be real, your non-conformist vibe does make people do a double-take sometimes. Being naturally quirky, you attract other unique souls into your orbit. This week, with the Full Moon in your opposite sign, a situation that might be tricky for others will actually play out brilliantly for you and someone special. Embrace your uniqueness. It's going to be a blast.