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New / Full Moons: Full 18th Sep in Pisces New 2nd Oct in Libra Full 17th Oct in Aries
25 years ago today, Serena Williams won her first Grand Slam and kick-started her glittering career. Her influence on the sport and her impact on the demographic of people watching and competing can't be underestimated. But being a pioneer takes courage. As Venus moves from linking with revolutionary Uranus to an uneasy relationship with Saturn, we might feel equally inspired and challenged. But with faith in the bigger picture, we'll be rewarded with success that builds a lasting legacy.
In the olden days, to get a horoscope calculated for your exact date and time of birth, you had to be a member of the royal family. Only court astrologers cast birth charts. Now, we can all be kings and queens. A full, personal birth chart can't just tell you more about what (and who) you were born to be... it can list, in deeply valuable detail, every major challenge and opportunity that lies ahead for you over the next few months. If you're wrestling with a tricky choice - or if you want to make more of your potential. Click here!.
Daily Planets (09 09 24): Mercury Enters Virgo at 06:49 UTC Moon Enters Sagittarius at 17:25 UTC Moon in Scorpio Mercury ( 29° Leo) Quincunx Pluto (29° Capricorn ) at 04:54 UTC Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
You're dealing with challenges on many fronts. At home, at work, and in your relationships, you're experiencing lots of demands. And you're juggling them all. It's impressive. But tiring. It would be easy to hide from the challenges. Or to try to convince yourself that you don't have to take responsibility. But you're not doing that. You're courageously staying involved and doing what you can to create improvements in all areas. Is this foolish? No. In sticking to your principles, you'll benefit... and so will everyone else. Good on you.
If something is 'right', but it doesn't feel right, what are you supposed to do? Of course, with hindsight we can look back and see that things that felt right weren't as right as they seemed. And sometimes, things that felt 'wrong' turn out to be right. But in the moment, when you've got a secret suspicion that things aren't quite as good as they're supposed to be, what then? It's impossible to talk yourself into overriding an emotional/intuitive response. Today, if you carefully explore your feelings, you'll have much more insight.
And one last thing, if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you've been missing out. Change your future... click here!
You've assessed what's going on and worked out what you need to do and where you need to go. Great. But a word of warning. Don't be surprised if today brings unexpected information that causes you to alter your priorities. Although you'll be able to stick to your carefully considered plans, you might have to squeeze in some extra bits. It's a good job you're an adaptable Gemini. Your ability to think on your feet, and respond to new developments will stand you in good stead. It's going to be a satisfying day.
Oh, by the way, your full birth chart, calculated from your date of birth will tell you far more about what's in store and how to make it work for you. Click here!
Keeping secrets can be challenging. They need to be placed somewhere warm and safe. If they're not comfortable, they tend to try to escape. They like being kept in the dark - but not buried so deep that they start to fester. Every so often they need to be taken out, and checked to make sure they don't harbour any guilty feelings. Otherwise, they'll find a way to reveal themselves. Information in your world is being suppressed right now. You need to check how you feel about it. If you're not happy, this is a good time to talk.
But wait, there's more to you than your sun-sign reading. You should read your personal horoscope report. Inside you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about your personality and what's in store for you in the future. You can download a personal horoscope chart here
Climate change is one of those topics that divides people. Some place it at the top of the list of priorities we need to address. Others think it's a conspiracy, and that we don't need to take any action. Whatever your views, it's interesting to note the fact that we all have opinions about everything. In your life, you're contemplating a decision. Are you basing it on a real understanding of what's going on? Or are you being influenced by someone's opinion? It's a good day to assess your beliefs... and possibly change them.
Once you have had your chart cast, you can then go on to look at where the planets are right now - and where they will be in the next twelve months.
Life on planet Earth used to be very different. We don't need to look as far back as the dinosaurs to see the changes. Even over the last few years, the world has altered. Advances in technology happen so fast it's hard to keep up. It's easy to feel a bit dinosaur-like when it comes to social media too. Still, you're a quick-thinking, adaptable Virgo. And with your ruler zooming through your sign, you're being brought up to date in a way that reboots your confidence and makes you even more relevant... and effective.
The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!
As a Libran, you know all about balance. But just because you're constantly trying to find the sweet spot between extremes doesn't mean it doesn't take effort. Right now, you feel like you're going to have to stop juggling and let something drop. You've invested a lot of energy into maintaining an equilibrium, and you're wondering if it's worth it. But with Venus in your sign, you can be decisive without being destructive. It will require skills (which you have), and a little more effort. The results will be pleasing, and liberating. You can do it.
Despite all our technological advances, aerolanes still need to travel at speed along a runway before they take off. If you didn't know what was going on, watching a big vehicle, loaded with passengers, zooming along, you'd wonder what on earth was happening. And then, ta-dah, the plane is in the air and disappearing into the sky. To all appearances, you look like you're wasting a lot of energy and not making much progress. But you're gathering pace. Keep doing what you're doing. And get ready for take-off!
Want to know more about what your future holds? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!
There are plenty of myths that feature gods and goddesses who deign, when presented with the right gift, to offer mortals their support. They might, for example, jump in and take action to thwart our enemies. But I find it hard to believe that any ethereal being would be persuaded to engage in such trifling tasks. Surely they've got better things to do? You're wondering if you've done something to offend an influential immortal. But, as you're about to see, your recent actions have delighted them. Here comes your reward.
But wait, there's more to you than your sun-sign reading. You should read your personal horoscope report. Inside you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about your personality and what's in store for you in the future. You can download a personal horoscope chart here
What makes you deserve special treatment? Why do you stand out from the crowd? I ask, because you need to be reminded of the obvious. You're unique. There's no one on this spinning ball of rock quite like you. You're the only person leading your life. It might not sound like much, but it's huge. Just because you share similarities with other people, or have aspects of yourself that you'd like to adjust, doesn't mean you're not special. Today, as Venus links with your ruler, it brings reasons to celebrate being you.
Some people seem to be happy being unhappy. They love complaining. If there isn't a problem, they'll find one. And they don't have to work hard to manifest one either. It's easy to find fault with people and situations; there are always comparisons to make, we just need to compare our situation to someone else's, who seems to be in a better place, and we come up short. But it's so much healthier and rewarding to look at what's going on in our lives and be grateful. Ignore the naysayers today. If you reach for the best, you'll go far.
You're a pleasure-loving Piscean. You don't like it when people tell you you're doing something that might be bad for you. Who does? And who has the right to judge? You know that a little of what you fancy does you good. And sometimes, you think that a lot of it is even better! Today, as Venus links with Saturn, the cosmic teacher, trust your judgement about what's right and wrong in your world. Just because someone's feeling negative doesn't mean you need to take their comments on board. You'll get the outcome you need.
To discover who you truly are, what makes you tick, and what's just around the corner, you need a full personal horoscope report. Change your future... change your life with an amazingly accurate personal report now!