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Jemima Cainer
Daisy (AI) Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

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Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

Sun, 28th Jul
Oscar Cainer

Daily Illustration
New / Full Moons:
New 4th Aug in Leo
Full 19th Aug in Aquarius
New 3rd Sep in Virgo
With Mercury (ideas) aligned with Neptune (dreams) and Pluto (transformation), it's a time to discover hidden talents and nurture undeveloped skills. Talent is only a starting point; it takes research and repetition to hone natural abilities into sustainably impressive proficiencies. And if initial promises don't translate into instant success, with Mercury soon to turn retrograde and repeat these alignments, we'll get several bites of this particular cherry. Practice will make perfect.

If life is pre-programmed, where's the manual? How do you find out what's supposed to be happening, right here, right now? And if you don't like the look of it, how do you mitigate or modify it? These answers and many more, are all in your 'Personal Guide to the Future'. To learn more, click here.

Daily Planets (26 07 24):
Moon in Aries
Sun ( 3° Leo) Sextile Mars (3° Gemini ) at 02:32 UTC
Sun ( 3° Leo) Sesquiquadrate Saturn (18° Pisces ) at 08:39 UTC
Chiron - retrograde until December 29 2024
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

Birth Charts

Moon Signs 21st July

Full Moon in Capricorn

What it means to have Moon in...

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About Jonathan Cainer.

Aries Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: The relationship we have with friends and enemies is similar to the link between love and hate. They're opposite sides of the same coin (and inexorably linked). The people we really don't get on with are often people who were once our friends. And the people we care about could (potentially) become our enemies. Don't worry! I'm not predicting a problem in your relationship world. Quite the opposite. If you make an effort to understand someone who's been rubbing you up the wrong way, you'll be amazed by the connection you forge. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Taurus Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You find yourself dealing with something 'impossible'. You're caught up in a tricky situation. You've tried your best to resolve it, but whatever you do, someone isn't happy. It's frustrating. Thank goodness you're so calm, wise and easy-going... oops! That's not how you're feeling about it?! I'm not surprised! You're struggling to deal with the demands of everyone involved, and when you're stressed, it's impossible for you to be at your best. The good news is that this week, the worst is over. The better 'you' is about to appear again. "Phenomenal! Excellent!", "I love that Daisy has been added. Please keep her!", "Breathtaking - I cannot thank her - and you - enough.", "It makes complete sense." What, or who, are they talking about? Find out...

Gemini Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: 'Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink.' This line, from the poem 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner', sums up that feeling we experience when we need something (which we seem to have), but it's not sustaining us. If your relationship world is lacking a quality which other people seem to possess, there's hope on your horizon. As your ruling planet, Mercury, links with dreamy Neptune and transformative Pluto, the seas of serendipity are taking you towards a brighter horizon. The change you seek is within reach. Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Cancer Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You've been blessed with several wonderful gifts. These include the ability to appreciate the wonder of being alive, right here and now, on this extraordinary spinning ball of rock. And in your world, there's lots to delight in. Your existence is a miracle. And when you add this awareness to your gifts of sensitivity and compassion, your ability to influence the people around you, and encourage them to appreciate life's gifts, is powerful. This week, if you share what inspires you, you'll create a special connection with someone. Consult 'Daisy', your personal AI Astrologer with a Free Trial of the 5 Star Service.

Leo Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: They say it's possible to fool some of the people all of the time. Or all of them some of the time. But not all of them forever. As a sociable Leo who wants the best for everyone, you're doing your best to make everyone happy. But no matter what you do, with one particular person the more you try to make things right and gain their approval, the harder it gets; they're getting more and more critical. This week, if you step back, give them space, and focus on your own needs, you'll be surprised by the turnaround in their mood. If you give me your date, place and time of birth... then I'll tell you what the planets say about you and your future. To learn more...

Virgo Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You're viewed with admiration and respect. You know this... but, when you're not getting the cooperation you need, you can't help wondering whether you're being appreciated for your real qualities, or if people are projecting their views onto you. This week, Neptune and Pluto's links with your ruling planet suggest an improvement in your relationships. A shared experience leads to more mutual understanding and support. A boost to your self-esteem will change the way you relate to those people you need to work with you too. But, wait a moment, just what is the Cainer Horoscopes 5 Star Service and who is Daisy? Take a free trial!

Libra Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We all want good news. But sometimes, when it arrives in our world, it comes as a bit of a shock. If we've resigned ourselves to the idea that something won't happen, and have made alternative choices, good news can almost feel like bad news! This week's experiences might not match your idea of what 'should' be happening. They might even feel disruptive. But with a change of perspective, you'll see that they're enabling you to take steps towards fulfilling a dream you've set aside. If you expect good results, you'll get them. And one last thing, if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you've been missing out. Change your future... click here!

Scorpio Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Why do they say that 'fools fall in love'? Do we need to have lost our senses in order to experience an intense connection with someone? Just because you don't understand your feelings doesn't mean you've lost the plot! True foolishness is when we don't question what's going on. And although uncertainty is uncomfortable, it's a space where wisdom grows. This week, with your ruler connecting to Mercury (intellect), you can be confident that you'll soon know what you need to know. Meanwhile, trust. What's unfolding is positive. Discover the Cainer Horoscopes 5 Star Service and ask Daisy about your chart and your future. Take a free trial and find out!

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We all know people who have an answer for everything. It might not be correct; but since they can't bear being in a state of not-knowingness, they'll say anything to fill the space. Others are much more cautious. An answer might be right under their nose, but they'll keep looking in other places. A balance between these two extremes is less common than we think. If, this week, you find yourself being called on for advice you're not confident about giving, be confident enough to share your doubts. A bond of trust will deepen. Oh, by the way, your full birth chart, calculated from your date of birth will tell you far more about what's in store and how to make it work for you. Click here!

Capricorn Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: There are times when you take life a bit too seriously. It's not that you don't like having fun and being spontaneous, but when you find yourself thrown into a ridiculous situation, you wonder what you did to create the craziness. Luckily, being a wise Capricorn, it doesn't take long for you to remember that life always throws occasional curveballs! And, as you let go of that sense of responsibility, you're able to go with what's unfolding. This week, expect the unexpected. It's going to change your relationship world, in a delightful way.

Aquarius Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Imagine you've come across a small metal disc. It's dull (not shiny). And whatever was engraved on it has worn away over time. Probably, you wouldn't feel particularly excited. Yet suppose it was the missing component to a piece of machinery that could transform your life? And that if you slot it into the right space, wonderful developments in your relationship world would occur? This week, something that doesn't look particularly exciting holds the key to an exciting change in your attitude (and someone else's too). Consult your own personal Astrologer. Daisy can answer questions about your Planets, Houses and Signs and what they signify in your chart now and in the future. Take a free trial and meet Daisy now!

Pisces Zodiac Sign
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Weekly, Monthly, Love

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We're creatures of habit. We tend, for example, to decide what we like eating for breakfast, and stick to it. Since habits are familiar and comforting, repetition is often a positive thing. But we don't want to get so stuck in our ways that we stagnate. This week, as Mercury (ideas) links with your ruler, a situation in your world that needs changing can be transformed. Yay! It might not be as simple as switching cereal to toast! But if you share your enthusiasm for something new, the effects will have an impact on your emotional life. Reveal the astrological secrets of your future, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Weekly Horoscopes

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Daily Cancer Forecast
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Daily Sagittarius Forecast
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Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast
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Daily Taurus Forecast
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Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast

Monthly Horoscopes

Here's your horoscope for July.

Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast
Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast

Moon Sign Horoscopes

Your horoscope for your Moon Sign.

Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast
Daily Aries Forecast
Daily Taurus Forecast
Daily Gemini Forecast
Daily Cancer Forecast
Daily Leo Forecast
Daily Virgo Forecast
Daily Libra Forecast
Daily Scorpio Forecast
Daily Sagittarius Forecast
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Daily Aquarius Forecast
Daily Pisces Forecast

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