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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

libra Zodiac Sign

Libra Horoscope

Fri, 26th April 2024
by Oscar Cainer

When we're determined and purposeful, no matter which direction we take we'll end up at the same destination. But if we've got no great desire, even with the fastest car on the road we might not get anywhere. With the energy available to you now, your best bet is to work out a clear strategy, and then implement it. If you know where you truly want to be, or the goal you want to reach, progress is guaranteed. The route might involve a few twists and contortions, but if you're in the right frame of mind, they'll be part of the fun.

Reveal the astrological secrets of your future, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Your Libra forecast for 2024 and Libra Video for 2024 from Jemima.








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Libra - Your Weekly Horoscope: You're a responsibly-minded soul, but even you can't believe that you're to blame for the world's problems. Obviously not. And for the same reason, you can't blame yourself for all the problems in your own corner of the world. Actually, that would be a selfish attitude. No one has that amount of power and influence. So, shake off that sense of guilt. The Pink Moon brings reasons to celebrate your achievements, and look forwards with hope. Your task is to let yourself off the hook you've put yourself on, and move on.

Libra - Your April Monthly Horoscope: You know how you feel when you walk into someone's house and it's spotlessly tidy? The cushions are colour co-ordinated, and plumped up. Even the sock drawers are neatly arranged. It's easy to compare our own homes and feel we come up short. They say that cleanliness is next to godliness. But they also say that you can't judge a book by its cover! In April, with the Solar Eclipse in your opposite sign, don't worry about how things look. Focus on how they feel. Following your heart is key to comfort and joy this month.

Libra - Yesterday's Forecast:
You've got a hefty weight on your shoulders. It's a responsibility you need to honour and it's important you succeed. There's no room for error. Well... that's how it feels. But there's more flexibility than you think. You don't need to get everything right. Neither do you need to be perfect. Achieving the impossible is impossible! So, rather than feeling daunted, try doing what's feasible. If something's doable, the worst it can be is difficult - and you can deal with that. Don't bow to anyone's opinion. You know the next right move to make.

PS, your full personal horoscope reveals amazing secrets about your inner potential and shows you your future in stunningly accurate detail. Be wise. Order it now! Click here!

Libra - Wed Apr 24, 2024:
You're feeling surprisingly tetchy. Not only are you not in the mood to be told anything by anyone, you're finding reasons to question people's assumptions and argue with their reasoning. What's more, no one seems to be listening to your thoughts or willing to cooperate with your ideas. The good news is that as Mercury (in your opposite sign) prepares to change direction, this time of misunderstanding will pass. I know it's hard. But if you're patient, things will start to naturally move forwards in a good way.

Libra - Tue Apr 23, 2024:
You can change the shape of an egg by cooking it in a square container. You can make gentle words sound harsh by using the wrong tone of voice. I'm paraphrasing an old Japanese saying. It's meant to empower us to realise that when we set our minds to it, we can reshape almost anything. And sometimes, we encourage change even when we don't mean to. Creativity isn't always conscious or deliberate. Be mindful about how you use yours today. You can use it to bring about a powerful transformation.

Reveal the astrological secrets of your future, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Libra - Mon Apr 22, 2024:
If anyone's good at performing a balancing act, it's you. Born under the sign of the scales, you're adept at weighing up the pros and cons of the issues you're dealing with. And your adaptability means you can take subtle action to compensate for excessive emotions and any lack of understanding. For you, being this way is utterly natural. You've been dealing with a situation that has been frustratingly difficult to resolve. The Jupiter/Uranus link suggests your efforts will bring the kind of results you only dare dream of.

Libra - Sun Apr 21, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Is it really all your fault? The state of the world, the fact that nothing seems to make sense, the fact that human beings find it so hard to live peacefully together? Obviously not! Those issues in your world you're feeling responsible for? Stop! The blame game isn't fun. And it never leads to a happy outcome. This week, the Pink Moon's light enables you to shake off a sense of guilt. Good. Once you realise that you've done everything you can, step back. You need to make space for the positive experiences coming your way.

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Libra - Sat Apr 20, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: You're a responsibly-minded soul, but even you can't believe that you're to blame for the world's problems. Obviously not. And for the same reason, you can't blame yourself for all the problems in your own corner of the world. Actually, that would be a selfish attitude. No one has that amount of power and influence. So, shake off that sense of guilt. The Pink Moon brings reasons to celebrate your achievements, and look forwards with hope. Your task is to let yourself off the hook you've put yourself on, and move on.

Libra: - Fri Apr 19, 2024:
Suppose this weekend's brave step kickstarts a trend that can't be turned back? If you find yourself in possession of Pandora's box, should you open it? Who in their right mind throws a spanner into the works? Or rocks a boat that's sailing on calm waters? Yet whether (or not) you're ready for change, it's ready for you. The tide is turning. So you need to make sure you've got an appropriate vehicle, and get ready for an adventure. Be bold. Fortune favours the brave. And there's lots of good fortune around you this weekend.

If you give me your date, place and time of birth... then I'll tell you what the planets say about you and your future. To learn more...

Libra - Thu Apr 18, 2024:
Even the most empathic person in the world can't actually feel someone else's pain. Or their joy. We can, of course, be delighted when someone's achieved something special. And we can feel sad for someone who's not doing well. But there's a limit to our empathy. Whatever you feel called to do today, make sure you're doing it because it's what you want to do. Don't leap into action (or get emotionally pulled in) just because someone's making demands of you. In this cosmic climate, your own world deserves your full attention.

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