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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

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libra Zodiac Sign

Libra Horoscope

Fri, 13th December 2024
Oscar Cainer

If you want this weekend to go well, you need to prioritise prioritising. Decide what (and who) you want to give your energy to. There are heaps of people/issues jostling for your attention. But the most attractive-looking situations aren't necessarily the smartest things to be thinking about doing. So, get in touch with your inner voice of wisdom. Rather than going for what looks most exciting, think about what really matters. What will make the most positive difference in the long-term? There's lots to enjoy that will also benefit you. So, what does 2025 have in store for you? Will you get what you've been longing for? Will there be a change for the better? Find out in your 2025 Guide to the Future. Download Yours Now! *runs from now until the very end of 2025.









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Libra - Your Weekly Horoscope: Some cultures celebrate their ancestors and seek their advice. We're much more likely to be nervous about the thought of ghosts and spirits. Yet surely, if they've got a message for us, it's this: try to enjoy every moment of life; it doesn't last forever! As your ruler, Venus, links with mysterious Pluto, that same philosophy is being conveyed to you through every event and circumstance (regardless of whether you love it or fear it). This week brings opportunities to improve your life. Seize your chance. And you can make magic.

Libra - Your December Monthly Horoscope: Ruled by Venus, you're particularly sensitive to the moods of the people around you. But at this time of year, trying to ensure that everyone feels happy comes with a risk. It's easy to negate your own needs in order to fulfil other people's. So, don't do that. December brings developments that show you how much you're valued and appreciated. Positive affirmations will empower you to let go of the burden of being responsible for everyone. Which means that you'll be more able to relax and enjoy the events coming your way.

Libra - Yesterday's Forecast:
We don't like people for all sorts of crazy reasons. And we like people (and form long-term relationships with them) on a similarly illogical basis. When we dive into the psychological depths of why we like and dislike people, we find ourselves in perilous territory. Don't waste time thinking about why you're happy in one person's company and are irritated by someone else. Just accept that that's how it is. You've got better things to do with your time. And your instincts need to be acknowledged rather than questioned. So, what does 2025 have in store for you? Will you get what you've been longing for? Will there be a change for the better? Find out in your 2025 Guide to the Future. Download Yours Now! *runs from now until the very end of 2025.

Libra - Wed Dec 11, 2024:
You've got so much on your plate, and so many options, that the last thing you want is to waste time feeling regretful. The truth is that past actions only deserve to be lamented once they've proved to utterly fail. Which means they were of no benefit to anyone. And that's rarely the case. None of your past actions are that bad! Today brings a development that shows you the positives in something you feel regretful about. Good. The timing couldn't be better. Here comes the freedom to move onto something new and inspiring.

Libra - Tue Dec 10, 2024:
You're surprised to find yourself in your current position. An unforeseen development has either changed your situation or altered your understanding. You're beginning to see life from a different perspective. But because the landscape is so new, you've got no way of working out whether it's positive or problematic. The truth is that it's a bit of both. But so is everything on this ball of rock! As you adapt to a new priority, you'll realise that you've ended up in a situation which holds the potential to significantly improve your world. It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now! *runs from now until the very end of 2025.

Libra - Mon Dec 09, 2024:
Religious beliefs have been passionately upheld for thousands of years. These days, people are just as zealous, but many have turned their attention to political ideals. The notion of 'faith' (in something) seems to be hardwired; we struggle to exist without it. But that doesn't mean we don't have choice; we can decide where to focus our intentions, and what we choose to believe in. With your ruler in free-thinking Aquarius, it's time to have more faith in yourself. Once you find that, you'll find that other people have faith in you.

Libra - Sun Dec 08, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Some people view their body like a temple. They give it nothing but the best, and treat it with great respect. It sounds good and healthy. But if this mindset is taken to the extreme, we can get obsessed by what we eat, drink and do - which is unhealthy! The advantages we get from being discriminating and disciplined can be counteracted by the damage created by worry. And nothing does more damage than emotional fear. This week, with your ruler linking with Pluto, you can replace a negative attitude with a positive one. Simply enter your birth details and receive a spookily accurate and completely personal 2025 'Guide to the Future' made just for you. *runs from now until the very end of 2025.

Libra - Sat Dec 07, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Some cultures celebrate their ancestors and seek their advice. We're much more likely to be nervous about the thought of ghosts and spirits. Yet surely, if they've got a message for us, it's this: try to enjoy every moment of life; it doesn't last forever! As your ruler, Venus, links with mysterious Pluto, that same philosophy is being conveyed to you through every event and circumstance (regardless of whether you love it or fear it). This week brings opportunities to improve your life. Seize your chance. And you can make magic.

Libra: - Fri Dec 06, 2024:
Maybe roses have developed sharp thorns as a protection mechanism? Passers-by have to think carefully before picking them. I doubt their final ideal destination is to end up looking pretty in a vase! When we encounter a prickly side to a person it's easy to feel hurt. Or to take offence. What did we do to merit such a sharp response? If you find yourself having to deal with someone whose behaviour is less than ideal this weekend, if you remember that they're being defensive it will take the pressure off them. And you. So, what does 2025 have in store for you? Will you get what you've been longing for? Will there be a change for the better? Find out in your 2025 Guide to the Future. Download Yours Now! *runs from now until the very end of 2025.

Libra - Thu Dec 05, 2024:
Sometimes, life leads us into situations where we encounter the reality of existence; we realise that when compared to the wonder of creation and the amount of time our planet has been spinning around the Sun, our concerns are insignificant. Such moments are precious. The insight can be strangely empowering. If our role is insignificant in the whole scheme of things, we might as well do our best to make the most of it. Which is unexpectedly liberating. Today, you'll realise that your current mission has depth and purpose.

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