Libra -
Libra - Your September Monthly Horoscope: You thought you knew your limits. But as you enter September you've clearly gone beyond several of them. Yay! And if these can alter, what else can change? To take advantage of this month's celestial movements, think about where you see yourself as being held back. Then question those limitations. Look at your prospects from a different angle. The trine between your ruler and lucky Jupiter shines like a beacon of hope. Listen to your intuition and you'll find the freedom to follow your heart into creative, exciting territory.
Libra - Yesterday's Forecast:
The problem with machines is that they can malfunction. Whether it's a dishwasher, a car, or a computer, occasionally, faults emerge which need fixing. There are times when we can figure out a way to make them work. And there are times when we need to get help. People can be similarly erratic; they don't always 'work' in the way we expect. Don't ignore someone's out-of-character behaviour this weekend. By asking questions and using your listening skills, you can help resolve an issue without seeking expert advice.
This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.
Libra - Thu Sep 19, 2024:
Good things don't only come to those who wait. No. Sometimes, they come along when we're impatient. And there are times when we wait... and wait, but nothing good turns up. Or it turns up, but we've moved on, so it's not good anymore. Which means we can't be 100% certain that deferred gratification is better than instant pleasure. Maybe, we should only wait when we have to wait? You've been waiting for something special to happen in your world. Today, you can have it. But before you seize it, make sure you still want it.
Libra - Wed Sep 18, 2024:
Life's easy when we're feeling confident. It's when doubt starts creeping in that things get difficult. To keep uncertainty at bay we develop coping strategies which often involve creating false certainties. Sometimes, we'd rather believe there's no hope rather than hold onto a hope that could turn out to be false. The situation you're dealing with is definitely not hopeless. Just because you doubt your ability to succeed doesn't mean you won't triumph. Ignore that negative inner voice. Ride the wave of uncertainty. You'll see.
The Supermoon was the perfect time to pause and reflect on the changes happening both in the heavens and in your own life. Learn more...
Libra - Tue Sep 17, 2024:
'All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.' I love this quote by author Edgar Allan Poe. He was a master at creating stories rooted in human fears and imaginings. His work continues to influence scary stories, and the movies we watch today. The Celestial Archer is heightening your awareness in a way that's making you nervous about a perceived problem. But this concern is based on irrational fears. Trust that the reality will be much better than you think. This storyline has a delightful and inspiring ending.
Libra - Mon Sep 16, 2024:
If you want to feel more confident you can. It's not hard. Or complicated. You don't have to find a lamp with a genie in it. Or a magic wand. You don't have to pretend everything's OK either. No. You just need to find someone you trust and ask for their support. Or ask the cosmos. Or tune into your higher self. What's important is the sincerity of your request. And the willingness to receive an answer. Venus, your ruler, is the planet of love and abundance. Its presence in your sign insists that if you're open to help, you'll get it.
As we approach the equinox and the end of a month with celestial events that are sure to capture your imagination. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.
Libra - Sun Sep 15, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Just because an answer isn't easy to find doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Not just any old answer either. I'm talking about a good, workable one. When we find the right answer, the fact that it was hard (or not) to arrive at becomes almost irrelevant. If it fits the problem we've been trying to fix, all is well and we can move on to other things. This week brings the confidence to make a key decision. The fact you've been struggling for a while is going, soon, to be irrelevant. The answer you've been looking for is coming.
Libra: - Sat Sep 14, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Suppose you're trying to go up to the next level of a building, but the stairs are blocked, the lift is out of action, and the upwards-moving escalator is broken? You'd choose the downwards one, and go up it at double-speed! It would take lots of energy, but you could do it. Sometimes, when the route ahead looks impossible, we have to think outside the box. If we're prepared to persevere, we can still make progress. This week, if you keep trying, you'll take giant strides towards attaining a long-held goal. How very satisfying.
This Harvest Supermoon illuminated the night in a way that felt almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation. Now we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.
Libra - Fri Sep 13, 2024:
There's no need to push yourself too hard this weekend. But don't go too gently either. Move onwards at a confident, moderate pace. Eek! No pressure! How are you supposed to be confident when you're not sure what you're doing? Well, start by remembering that no one knows, for sure, what to expect. And that your guess about what's going to unfold is as good as anyone's. This weekend, the fact that you know that you don't know is to your advantage. It's why, when an opportunity presents itself, you'll recognise it.