5 Star
Jemima Cainer
Astrologer Daisy
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

Aries Year Ahead 2024

Oscar Cainer

aries Zodiac Sign

The early part of 2024 is dominated by a Solar Eclipse in your sign in April, followed by the Jupiter/Uranus convergence. With your energy levels hitting new levels, you'll be able to utilise the resources you've already got and super-increase their effectiveness. The Eclipse's trail of passion increases your self-confidence enabling you to find ways to increase your material well-being and add to your financial security. And your ability to charm will change a key relationship in ways that add depth and meaning.

But you can't sit around, waiting for the cosmos to work its magic. This celestial positivity needs to be activated by an attitude shift. If you're open to perceiving different ways of relating to the world and people around you, an old mindset, which has stopped you from realising your dreams, can be replaced by self-belief that enables you to showcase your bold ideas with impressive style. The repercussions will affect your career (as well as your love life) offering exciting new avenues to explore.

In August, as your ruler Mars and Jupiter converge, your newfound strengths really manifest. By putting a positive spin on creative challenges, you'll have the aptitude to deal with tricky situations with style. Your lofty aspirations will start to manifest as solid gains.

In October, when The Supermoon Grand Cross forms with your ruler, you'll see, with precision, what you need to do to reach your targets. You'll have to dig deep and work hard. There will be moments when you have to re-evaluate and modify your aim. But if you're prepared to focus on the opportunities coming your way, you'll be able to use The Archer's energy to make this year prosperous. By using your resources effectively, you'll realise how powerful you are.

Discover your inner light, the one that shines regardless of the weather in your 'Guide to the Future'.









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