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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

aries Zodiac Sign

Aries Horoscope

Sat, 27th July 2024
Oscar Cainer

Your Weekly Horoscope: Is something making you edgy? Are you feeling a bit pushed, rushed, put upon and annoyed? This could be the exact kind of aggravation you need to be feeling! It's all very well saying you want a quiet life. But you're ruled by Mars; you definitely don't want a dull one! Excitement and stimulation go hand-in-hand. And often these feelings provoke a sense of unease. If you check beneath an uncomfortable sensation, you'll find a bright spark of hope. As long as you pursue positive action, this is going to be a great week. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!









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You Need to Slow Down NOW!

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Full Moon in Capricorn

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Aries -

Aries - Your July Monthly Horoscope: You face a bewildering set of options. Yet in reality, most of them won't take you to where you want to go. The only reason they look attractive is that your current challenge is making you doubt yourself, and you're finding it hard to discriminate. Yet when you started work on this plan you knew it was ambitious. And if you take a diversion, you'll get distracted and lose momentum. July brings positive developments that remind you of why you made a commitment, followed by opportunities to renew it. Get ready to be inspired.

Aries - Yesterday's Forecast:
You know the 'three second rule'? If we've dropped a food item on the floor, and quickly pick it up, it's OK to eat it. Who knows whether this makes sense or not!? Think of all the vegetables we eat which have been grown in mud! I know it's not quite the same, but it highlights the fact that we follow protocols that don't always make sense. This weekend, try not to judge anything from a superficial viewpoint. It might be tempting to object to something that could turn out to be a gift. If you stay open-minded, you're in for a treat. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Aries - Thu Jul 25, 2024:
In order to get what we want we need to begin by appreciating what we've got. It is, of course, possible to be motivated by all sorts of different emotions; anger and revenge are capable of carrying us for a distance. But it's never healthy to be motivated by negative feelings or responses; at some point down the line, we end up entrenched in those emotions. There are several positive aspects in the difficult situation you're dealing with. If you appreciate them, things will start to shift towards a surprisingly good outcome.

Aries - Wed Jul 24, 2024:
Hang on a minute! Before you dash off on your latest assignment, take a moment to pause and reset. If you make a big enough commitment, there's little you can't achieve right now. So it's worth thinking about what you really want. Rather than restricting yourself to what seems viable, go big. What's possible now is what you want to be possible and what you're prepared to make possible. What's not possible is whatever you believe to be impossible! If you summon up some self-belief, you can make significant progress today. Now, you should read your 'Guide to the Future'. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 'Guide to the Future' here.

Aries - Tue Jul 23, 2024:
It depends how you look at what's going on; on one hand there's what you want to achieve. On the other, there are people's expectations. Which is fine. Except what happens when these objectives don't match? Since you're facing a tricky challenge, think about who set the agenda. Even if the plan isn't of your own making, responsibility for being involved comes down to you. And, you're capable of putting yourself through far more than anyone could impose on you. Back out if you want. But if you want to continue, you'll succeed.

Aries - Mon Jul 22, 2024:
We like our differences. If we all supported the same football team and voted for the same politician, life would be much less interesting. A degree of disagreement is positive. So is a certain amount of uncertainty. If no one ever wanted reassurance, we wouldn't need to try to put ourselves in their shoes and see from their perspective. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you can't work together. In fact, the fact you disagree means you'll have to find a collaborative route forwards. And that will lead to success. "Phenomenal! Excellent!", "I love that Daisy has been added. Please keep her!", "Breathtaking - I cannot thank her - and you - enough.", "It makes complete sense." What, or who, are they talking about? Find out...

Aries - Sun Jul 21, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You tend to underestimate your effect on other people. Being ruled by power planet Mars, even when you feel overlooked, you're having more impact than you think. Some folk are overawed by your energy; they're attracted to you, but slightly nervous. Others think you're so capable and confident that you have no need of them in your world. But some souls recognise that in spite of your strengths, you're not invincible; and that like everyone else, you sometimes need support. Someone like that is coming your way this week.

Aries: - Sat Jul 20, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: It feels like a question mark is dangling over your head. Since it involves your future, you want to answer it ASAP. This week, although you're unlikely to resolve all the details, the Sun's move into Leo brings a positive boost that helps you formulate a plan that heads in the right direction. So, with that in mind, try to let go of your desire to answer the big question. If you leave it alone, it will return the favour and stop consuming your thoughts. With this week offering opportunities you don't want to miss, trust... and focus on them. PS, your full personal horoscope reveals amazing secrets about your inner potential and shows you your future in stunningly accurate detail. Be wise. Order it now! Click here!

Aries - Fri Jul 19, 2024:
What would happen if you put your feet up and stopped doing what you're doing? Would the process you've been focusing on carry on unfolding? Or is movement only happening because of your efforts? You've invested lots of energy in a plan; now it's time to reassess. If you haven't already managed to kickstart a process which can continue generating its own momentum, maybe you need to focus on something that's going to attract support from other people? The astrological Blue Moon shines on a possibility. Take it!

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