In May 2024, under the watchful gaze of The Celestial Archer, Jupiter (hope, adventure, optimism) enters your sign for the first time in 12 years. Its arrival affirms your belief in your own abilities so you're more confident about the decisions you make and more positive about the future you're creating. It's an opportunity to focus on the goals you've set and work out the action needed to realise them.
April is pivotal. As Jupiter makes its last pitstop before entering your sign, it combines with Uranus, calling you to reevaluate what you want and focus on your core principles. The movements of Mars, Saturn and Neptune help you work out the difference between fancy distractions and realistic goals so that you make positive progress.
In September, when your ruler Mercury adds its attributes to The Archer's arrows, you'll have a greater understanding of where your true goals lie. With Jupiter as your compass, you'll be clear about avenues best left unexplored, and those that hold promise. With greater awareness of the value of your past experiences, you can work out how to get to your destination. And with The Archer helping you focus there's no telling how far you can go.
By the time September's Lunar Eclipse gives way to your ruler's link to Jupiter, your circumstances will be very different. You'll wonder why you've put up with certain situations for so long! With insight into your inner motivation, you'll have more faith in your talents and strengths. This means you won't need to seek other people's approval to become the person you're meant to be. The power to transform your life lies with you. And this more confident version of yourself will be able to (and deserves to) benefit from the wonderful opportunities 2024 brings your way.
This Harvest Supermoon will illuminate the night in a way that feels almost magical, bringing a sense of renewal and transformation as we head towards the equinox. Learn more and celebrate this magical time with 50% Off all Birth Charts, plus a free Personal Profile.