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Jemima Cainer
Astrologer Daisy
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

pisces Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Pisces Horoscope

Wed, 16th October 2024
Oscar Cainer

You know that feeling you get when something feels 'right'? It's a tingle. Or a shiver. Your natural sensitivity enables you to detect positive and perfect possibilities. Watch out today for an unignorable response. It might feel a bit like hope. But it's more than that. It's a deep sense of certainty. Just be wary of mixing up what's actually unfolding with what you wish would unfold. Instead of worrying about what you'd like to happen, focus on what you've got. Under the Super Grand Cross Moon, you'll see why you're so lucky to have it. Now, do you want to know more about what's going to happen to you, when it's going to happen and why? Get yourself a full, 'spookily accurate' horoscope birth-chart report, and you'll find out. Download your Birth Chart report here!









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New! Moon Signs 13th October

Eclipse in Libra

What it means to have Moon in...

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Pisces - Your Weekly Horoscope: When we've worked out how something works the sense of mystery disappears. When we've solved a problem it's no longer a source of concern. You're an insightful Piscean. This week, the Hunter's Full Moon brings exciting possibilities which call you to use your natural talents. Add your ruler Neptune's involvement in a Grand Trine, and you can find ways to magically resolve a long-standing source of confusion. With the clarity you gain, there's nothing to stop you from taking steps to fulfil a long-held ambition.

Pisces - Your October Monthly Horoscope: You're an imaginative Piscean. But should you try to be more organised/focused/pragmatic? Maybe. But only a tiny bit more. People who prioritise achievement might end up with a long list of 'successes', but do they have good friends to share their success with? In October, if you create more structure in your world, you can make a lot of exciting things happen. But don't let your desire to 'do' suppress your desire to 'be'. By staying true to yourself, whilst reevaluating your priorities, this will be a truly memorable month.

Pisces - Yesterday's Forecast:
Turn on the TV or radio. Or go online. You'll find lots of people who think they know what's wrong with the world. But perhaps what's wrong is that more of us don't know what's wrong. Or how to sort it. If we all had opinions which we shared, maybe we'd all come to the same conclusion, and find a way to sort the problems out. Hmmm... or maybe, it's all the different opinions that are causing the problems! You're a peace-loving Piscean. If you can rise above any provocation today, you'll create harmony where there's been tension. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Pisces - Mon Oct 14, 2024:
Today, you need to be dignified and diplomatic. A reckless approach isn't going to help. But there's a danger that rather than being comfortable with moving at a gentle speed, you'll give up because you're not making fast enough progress. So, keep your goal in mind. You know what you want to achieve. At the moment, it feels unlikely that you're going to be able to achieve it. But you're on a steady journey away from your current position towards the future. And with each step, your situation alters. Stay positive. And keep going.

Pisces - Sun Oct 13, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: If only we woke up every morning feeling positive and enthused about the day ahead (rather than waking up with a list of problems to deal with). Where do all those problems come from? Sometimes, it feels like there's a never-ending stream of challenges being delivered to our door. If only, we had the power to refuse to accept them; say "sorry, you've got the wrong address", and get on with our lives. This Hunter's Full Moon week, if you accept advice from someone about what to prioritise, you'll gain the space to relax and have fun. Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!

Pisces - Sat Oct 12, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: When we've worked out how something works the sense of mystery disappears. When we've solved a problem it's no longer a source of concern. You're an insightful Piscean. This week, the Hunter's Full Moon brings exciting possibilities which call you to use your natural talents. Add your ruler Neptune's involvement in a Grand Trine, and you can find ways to magically resolve a long-standing source of confusion. With the clarity you gain, there's nothing to stop you from taking steps to fulfil a long-held ambition.

Pisces - Fri Oct 11, 2024:
Tarzan made navigating through the jungle look easy. As he swung above the swamps and wildlife, he never seemed to doubt the strength of the vines. If he ever felt anxious, he didn't show it. Sometimes people who do courageous don't feel particularly brave. They take a leap of faith, cross their fingers, and voila; they surprise themselves with what they achieve. This weekend brings a chance for you to conquer a fear. if you throw yourself into a situation that's making you anxious, you'll experience a sense of freedom and joy. A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Pisces - Thu Oct 10, 2024:
Just because someone is self-assured doesn't mean you should assume they know more than you. Their confidence doesn't indicate that they've got greater understanding of a situation. Or that they've got a better idea about what to do. No. You're underestimating your emotional intelligence. And while it's healthy to question your assessment, it's unhealthy to feel inadequate. To make the right decision today you need to balance someone else's viewpoint with your own. And under this cosmic climate, you can easily do that.

Pisces: - Wed Oct 09, 2024:
We can't justify our deepest beliefs. They can't be logically explained. There's rarely (if ever) any clear, demonstrable evidence to back them up. And, if you've only got a gut feeling to go on, can you trust it? Could you have created it as a response to something you're finding difficult to understand? I'm not trying to make you doubt yourself. Quite the opposite. As Jupiter, your traditional ruler, which is in Gemini, turns retrograde, if an idea resonates with the deepest part of your heart, it deserves to be taken very seriously. Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here!

Pisces - Tue Oct 08, 2024:
Imagine you're in a room with two doors. If you turn the handle and gently push on one of them it will open. The other won't budge. Interestingly, you think you know what lies behind both doors. And (in your mind), it's the one that's stuck which is the one you need to get through. But suppose you're wrong? Suppose the easy one leads to the answer to your prayers? This Grand Trine day is the perfect time to challenge your assumptions. The door you're struggling to open is the one you should be glad you can't get past.

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